
News and updates

6. Mai
SRF Viele Eltern nutzen ihre digitalen Geräte nicht nur für sich, sondern geben sie auch ihren Kindern. Entwicklungsstörungen …
15. Februar
Schweizer Illustrierte So ein Handy wirkt Wunder: Es kann trotzende, quengelnde und wütende Kinder innerhalb von Sekunden …
7. September
BVZ Die Zeit, die Kinder schon im Alter bis zu 6 Jahren am Bildschirm verbringen, ist im Steigen begriffen. Parallel dazu ist …
4. Mai
Berchtesgadener Anzeiger Bischofswiesen. Aus einem Modellprojekt in der Klinik Schönsicht in Bischofswiesen zum Thema …

read the news blog

30 November 2004
Usfie Cancer Cluster
- Zamir P. Shalita
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30 November 2004
Final Report REFLEX project
by Prof. Dr. Franz X. Adlkofer
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24 November 2004
Professor Olle Johansson’s list of Authorities
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18 November 2004
Sensitivity of Neurons to Weak Electric Fields
- Joseph T. Francis et al. Aug. 2003
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11 November 2004
The Naila-Study
- Eger, Hagen, Lucas, Vogel, Voit
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Mobile telephones and cancer - a review of epidemiological evidence
- A review of epidemiological evidence by M. Kundi, K. Hansson Mildb, L. Hardellc, M.-O. Mattssond
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14 October 2004
EMF and Health
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13 October 2004
Mobile Phone Use and the Risk of Acoustic Neuroma
- Lonn, Stefan; Ahlbom, Anders; Hall, Per; Feychting, Maria
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! Studies on the biological effects of radiofrequency and cell phone radiation
Collection of web links by Campaign for Planning Sanity - October 2004
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29 September 2004
Electromagnetic Fields, Leukaemia and DNA Damage
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28 September 2004
Mobile Phones and Brain Damage
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17 September 2004
A Popular Revolt
The police communication system TETRA causing more civilian deaths than all the world's terrorist organizations put together?
- Reprint from ‘The Ecologist’, 17th September 2004
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9 September 2004
Effect of GSM 900MHz Mobile Phone Radiation on the Reproductive Capacity of Drosophila Melanogaster
- Panagopoulos, Karabarbounis, Margaritis
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26 August 2004
Low power radio-frequency and microwave effects on human electroencephalogram and behavior
- William Bise
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21 August 2004
TETRA: A Critical Overview into the death of Officer Neil Dring
- B. Trower
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11 August 2004
Effects of low power microwaves on the local cerebral blood flow of conscious rats
- Oscar, K. J.
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7 August 2004
Association of mobile phone radiation with fatigue, headache, dizziness, tension and sleep disturbance in Saudi population
- Al-Khlaiwi, Meo
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1 August 2004
The Effects of Microwave Apparatus on Food and Humans
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29 July 2004
Effects of mobile phone radiation on reproduction and development in Drosophila melanogaster
- Weisbrot, Lin, Ye, Blank, Goodman
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26 July 2004
Message from Roy Beavers
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24 July 2004
Motor coordination or balance degradation during microwave energy exposure
(in German)
- Alan H. Frey, Sheila Gendleman
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21 July 2004
The microwave syndrome - further aspects of a spanish study – further aspects of a spanish study
- Oberfeld, Navarro, Portolés, Maestu, Gomez-Perretta
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17 June 2004
Remote Mind Control Technology
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4 June 2004
Cellphones may boost forces on biological tissue and Possible induced enhancement of dispersion forces by cellular phones
- Bo E. Sernelius
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24 May 2004
Possible Deleterious Effects of Physiologically Significant Radiation Pressure Exposures
- Robert C. Kane, Ph.D.
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Powerwatch is a portal gathering information from around the world about EMFs.

Among others an up-to date list of studies on this field is maintained