
News and updates

6. Mai
SRF Viele Eltern nutzen ihre digitalen Geräte nicht nur für sich, sondern geben sie auch ihren Kindern. Entwicklungsstörungen …
15. Februar
Schweizer Illustrierte So ein Handy wirkt Wunder: Es kann trotzende, quengelnde und wütende Kinder innerhalb von Sekunden …
7. September
BVZ Die Zeit, die Kinder schon im Alter bis zu 6 Jahren am Bildschirm verbringen, ist im Steigen begriffen. Parallel dazu ist …
4. Mai
Berchtesgadener Anzeiger Bischofswiesen. Aus einem Modellprojekt in der Klinik Schönsicht in Bischofswiesen zum Thema …

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4 August 2019
DVD: The Complex Impact of Mobile Phone Radiation on our Health
This movie offers an insight into the health-related hazards of mobile radiation, which clearly differ from the industrial and political presentation. This film explores the newest, international and independent studies and scientific explanations and explains why mobile radiation is incredibly hazardous, and its far-reaching consequences.
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15 June 2007
ICNIRP Guideline Critique
Criticism of the proposal to adopt the icnirp guidelines for cellsites in New Zealand
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Study: Subjective symptoms, sleeping problems, and cognitive performance in subjects living near mobile phone base stations
- Hans-Peter Hutter, Hanns Mooshammer, Michael Kundi, Occupational and Environmental Medicine
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26 March 2006
Cell and molecular biology associated with radiation fields of mobile telephones
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The danger of chronic exposure to electromagnetic fields
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7 November 2005
Is male fertility at stake, can we afford to ignore it?
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21 July 2005
Electromagnetic Radiation and Epilepsy
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12 June 2005
Motorola Funded Counter Research on Microwave DNA Damage
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8 May 2005
Computational modeling evidence of a nonthermal electromagnetic interaction mechanism with living cells
- Stoykov, N.S., Jerome, J.W., Pierce, L.C., Taflove, A.
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10 April 2005
EMR Reduces Melatonin in Animals and People
- Neil Cherry, Lincoln University, Canterburry, New Zealand
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9 April 2005
Exposure to pulse-modulated radio frequency electromagnetic fields affects regional cerebral blood flow
- Huber, Treyer, Schuderer, Berthold, Buck, Kuster, Landolt, Achermann; European Journal of Neuroscience
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21 March 2005
Cancer studies - Scientists search Funds for new Study Projects
- Johansson, Hallberg
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14 March 2005
Effect on peoples health of telephone base station mast radiation
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15 February 2005
A Break-through in Understanding Non-Thermal Electromagnetic Field Effects
- Mae-Wan Ho
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12 February 2005
Sensitivity to non-ionising radiation in ireland
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12 February 2005
Cancer near a cell-phone transmitter station
- Ronni Wolf, Danny Wolf
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24 January 2005
Structural and kinetic effects of mobile phone microwaves on acetylcholinesterase activity
- Barteri M, Pala A, Rotella S
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15 January 2005
Fields of Influence
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14 January 2005
Mobile Phone Turns Enzyme Solution into A Gel
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18 December 2004
Effect of 910-MHz electromagnetic field on rat bone marrow
- Demsia G, Vlastos D, Matthopoulos DP.
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11 December 2004
Mobile Phone (Cell Phone) Base Stations and Human Health
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11 December 2004
Intermittent extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields cause DNA damage in a dose-dependent way
- Ivancsits S, Diem E, Jahn O, Rudiger HW
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10 December 2004
EU REFLEX Project Report
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5 December 2004
Magnetic field effect on singlet oxygen production in a biochemical system
- Liua, Edgea, Henbest, Timmel, Hore, Gasta
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4 December 2004
Keep Healthy with Pollution Computer and Cellphone
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Powerwatch is a portal gathering information from around the world about EMFs.

Among others an up-to date list of studies on this field is maintained