
News and updates

6. Mai
SRF Viele Eltern nutzen ihre digitalen Geräte nicht nur für sich, sondern geben sie auch ihren Kindern. Entwicklungsstörungen …
15. Februar
Schweizer Illustrierte So ein Handy wirkt Wunder: Es kann trotzende, quengelnde und wütende Kinder innerhalb von Sekunden …
7. September
BVZ Die Zeit, die Kinder schon im Alter bis zu 6 Jahren am Bildschirm verbringen, ist im Steigen begriffen. Parallel dazu ist …
4. Mai
Berchtesgadener Anzeiger Bischofswiesen. Aus einem Modellprojekt in der Klinik Schönsicht in Bischofswiesen zum Thema …

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12 July 2002
"Pseudo-iron deficiency in a French population living near high-voltage transmission lines: a dilemma for clinicians"
Tramès per Miguel Muntané Estudio Francés que observa un extraño estado de la sangre (deficiencia pseudo-hierro) que fue aparentemente asociada con residencia prolongada a exposiciones de 2 miliGauss (= 0,2 uT) y más ---- Mensaje original ----- De: "Don Maisch" …
- Hachulla, Caulier-Leleu, Fontaine, Mehianoui, Pelerin (12/7/02)
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Effects of ELF and Microwaves on human lymphocytes from hypersensitive persons
- I. Belyaev et al., 10/7/02
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1 April 2002
Arguments in Favor of applying the Precautionary Principle to counter the Effects of Mobile Phone Base Stations
- Roger Santini
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A Population-Based Prospective Cohort Study of Personal Exposure to Magnetic Fields during Pregnancy and the Risk of Miscarriage
- Li, Odouli, Janevic, Golditch, Bracken, Senior, Rankin, Iriye in Epidemiology, Jan. 2002
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Control Study of Residential and Personal Magnetic Field Measures and Miscarriges
Positive associations found. Epidemiology, Jan. 2002
- Lee, Neutra, Hristova, Yost, Hiatt
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Electromagnetic Field Sensitivity
- William Rea and associates 1991 in the Journal of Bioelectricity
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13 September 2001
Radio Wave Packet
- ARTHUR FIRSTENBERG, President, Cellular Phone Taskforce (September 2001)
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4 September 2001
burned by mobiles?
Irish media release: M.D. diagnoses mobile phone radiation burns
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Mobile Phone Use: it's time to take precautions
- Don Maisch, J. of Australasian College of Nutritional & Environmentl Medicine (2001)
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Cell phone radiation poses a serious biological and health risk
- Dr. Neil Cherry, May 2001
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The Physiological and Environmental Effects of Electromagnetic Radiation
March 2001
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! Citations re electromagnetic radiation
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17 December 2000
If Mobile Phones Were a Type of Food, They Simply Would Not be Licensed
- Dr. Joseph Mercola
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Physics and Biology of Mobile Telephony
- A review by G J Hyland
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Electromagnetic Fields Affect Human Cells
- James E. Trosko
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Study on health effects of shortwave transmitter station of Schwarzenburg
- Altpeter, ES et al (1995) reviewed by Dr. Neil Cherry
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9 August 2000
Probable health effects associated with mobile base stations in communities
- Dr. Neil Cherry, June 2000
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Evidence that Electromagnetic Radiation is Genotoxic
- Dr Neil Cherry June 2000
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Salzburg: Cell Tower Siting
Linking Science & Public Health
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Dr. Neil Cherry on safe exposure levels
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Potential adverse health impacts of mobile telephony
- G J Hyland, February 2000
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Reported Biological Effects From Radiofrequency Non-Ionizing Radiation
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Powerwatch is a portal gathering information from around the world about EMFs.

Among others an up-to date list of studies on this field is maintained