
News and updates

12. Juli
Telepolis Licht vom Handy in der Nacht gehört für viele zum Alltag. Doch Forscher warnen: Das kann das Risiko für Diabetes Typ 2 …
10. Juni
Niederlande: Zwei junge Deutsche tot aus der Maas geborgen - Handyunfall als Auslöser vermutet Spiegel Vor einer Woche sprangen drei Männer in die Maas. Offenbar war zuvor ein Handy in den Fluss …
6. Mai
SRF Viele Eltern nutzen ihre digitalen Geräte nicht nur für sich, sondern geben sie auch ihren Kindern. Entwicklungsstörungen wegen Handy bei …
3. Mai
Schwä ... Sendemast steht, zur Haftung für Folgeschäden herangezogen, betonte Dreher. „Wenn in Obermarchtal ein Sendemast gebaut wird, von dem noch niemand …
15. Februar
Schweizer Illustrierte So ein Handy wirkt Wunder: Es kann trotzende, quengelnde und wütende Kinder innerhalb von Sekunden beruhigen. Doch neue Studienergebnisse …
30. Januar
Presseportal Ein Krankenwagen musste jedoch nicht gerufen werden. Die Unfallverursacherin nutzte während der Fahrt mit ihrem Pkw ihr Handy. Hierdurch wurde …

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22 May 2004
A Possible Association Between Fetal/neonatal Exposure to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Radiation and the Increased Incidence of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)
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10 May 2004
Report on TETRA
For the Police Federation of England and Wales, Sept. 2001
- B. Trower
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Cell phones hurt children even worse than adults
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28 April 2004
The effects of radiofrequency fields on cell proliferation are non-thermal Different studies and links
- Sianette Kwee
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24 April 2004
Radiofrequencies and Microwaves
- World Health Organization, Publ. 1981, ISBN 92-4-154076-1
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The Korean report : Effects upon health of occupational exposure to microwave radiation
- Robinette, Silverman, Jablon
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24 April 2004
Ethical problems arising when the trail of professional work lead to evidence of serious risk and misrepresentation of scientific judgement concerning human exposures to radar or microwaves
- John R. Goldsmith
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24 April 2004
The Greatest Biological Experiment on Human Beings Ever
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23 April 2004
Investigation of Brain Potentials in Sleeping Humans Exposed to the Electromagnetic Field of Mobile Phones
- Lebedeva, Sulimov, A.V.; Sulimova, O.P., Korotkovskaya, Gailus
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14 April 2004
Report on the International Conference "Electromagnetic Fields and Human Health" in Almaty, Kazakhstan, September 4-12, 2003
- Karl Maret, M. Eng
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Conglomerates of Cancer and other Pathologies next to Antennas of Mobile Telephony in Spain
- Alfonso Balmori Martínez, Biologe
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Microwave bioeffect congruence with schizophrenia
- John J. McMurtrey (Aug. 2002)
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24 March 2004
On the Possibility of directly accessing every Human Brain by Electromagnetic Induction of fundamental Algorithms
Collection of research results (abstracts)
- M. A. Persinger, Laurentian University
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Genetic Effects of Nonionizing Electromagnetic Fields
Paper presented at the “International Workshop on Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation, Electromagnetic Fields and Chemical Toxic Agents” in Sinaia, Romania, October 2-6, 2001.
- Henry Lai, University of Washington
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The EMF Epidemiology Studies are Misleading Us
- Roy Beavers
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21 March 2004
Bibliography on Electromagnetic Fields and-Health
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21 March 2004
How much Electro Pollution can the Human tolerate?
Interview with Dr. Lebrecht von Klitzing, emanated from the magazine “BIO - Health for Bodies, Spirit and Soul” (Ed. 3/2002)
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Literature and studies about mobile radiation
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Micro Waves Effects on Animals
"Micro Waves Effects on Wildlife Animals" (preliminary results). Contents: Population monitoring of house sparrows in valladolid Population monitoring in winter sleeping places Other comments on wildlife and electromagnetic fields. Monitoring the wild birds nesting in “campo grande”, an urban park in valladolid, spain Evidence of a conection between sparrow decline in United Kingdom and the introduction of phone mast …
- Alfonso Balmori Martínez, Biologist
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Electric Words
- Stewart Fist
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Enhancement of the interaction between low-intensity R.F. e.m. fields and ligand binding due to cell basal metabolism
- Bianco, Chiabrera, Moggia, Tommasi (1997)
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Andrew A. Marino - Overview
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Weblink: The Associated Bioelectromagnetics Technologists
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Biological effects of electromagnetic fields
- Bellavite and Signorini
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!! Bibliography on the psychoactivity of electromagnetic fields
- Robert C. Beck and Eldon A. Byrd, from Archaeus 4 (1986): 54-77
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Powerwatch is a portal gathering information from around the world about EMFs.

Among others an up-to date list of studies on this field is maintained