Violence and Threats Have No Place in Democracy

Special Comment: Keith Olberman


The political rhetoric of the country must be changed to prevent acts of domestic terrorism. In the aftermath of the shooting of 19 people in an attempted assassination of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, D-Ariz., Countdown's Keith Olbermann reminds Americans that "violence, or the threat of violence, has no place in our democracy."

Arizona Shooting Sets Off Debate on Violent Political Rhetoric

Yana Kunichoff, Truthout: "Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Arizona) and seventeen others were shot Saturday after a gunman opened fire at a public event in Tucson, law-enforcement sources confirmed. Six people were killed, including a federal judge, an aide to Giffords and a nine-year-old girl.... The 40-year-old Arizona Democrat was shot in the head once at point-blank range and rushed to University Medical Center (UMC). During a press conference Sunday, Dr. Peter Ree of the University of Arizona Medical Center said that she was out of surgery and in critical condition, but was awake and following commands... The shooting has been connected to the heated political rhetoric around issues such as health care legislation and immigration ... [and] Giffords had been the target of death threats, vandalism and harassment in recent months."

Shooting of Jewish Congresswoman Giffords Is Not Just a "Tragedy"

Rabbi Michael Lerner, Tikkun: "Why does what Hillary Clinton once quite accurately described as 'the vast right-wing conspiracy' get a free pass when its rhetoric can easily be seen to contribute to the climate of hate from which the actions of this "lone gunman" can be easily understood to have emerged? Isn't it time for us to demand that our government investigate the violence-generating discourse of the racist and the haters? Why, when the House of Representatives was in the hands of Democrats, did they not have any committee or subcommittee at work holding pubic hearings to explore what kind of legislation might help protect us citizens and our liberal and progressive representatives from the kind of violence that exploded in Arizona earlier today?"

The Wrath of Fools: An Open Letter to the Far Right

William Rivers Pitt, Truthout: "This is not the end of the story, but is just the beginning. The good people of the United States of America, the true patriots, have finally seen you with your media-painted masks ripped off. They have seen what comes to pass when hate, venom, ignorance and violence goes unchecked and unanswered. You have been exposed, and the fact that it took such an unimaginably horrific act for that exposure to take place only increases the fierceness with which you will be answered. You will be repudiated, not with violence, but with the scorn and rejection you so richly deserve. Spin it as you will, scramble all you like. You are found out, and you have nowhere to hide."

Serious Guns and White Terrorism: Two Unasked Questions in Tucson Mass Murder

Bill Quigley, Truthout: "Question: How does a mentally unstable man who was kicked out of school and had run-ins with the law buy such a serious weapon? The weapon reportedly used in the mass murders in Tucson was a serious weapon - a Glock 19, semi-automatic pistol with an extended magazine. Some weapons like that were illegal to sell in the US from 1994 to 2004 under the Federal Assault Weapons Ban. It is now legal to sell and own them."

Hate Speech, the Right's Magic Bullet

Michael Winship, Truthout: "The Russian playwright Anton Chekhov had a rule: if you show a gun in the first act, by the time the curtain falls, it has to go off. For weeks and months, that gun, the weapon of angry rhetoric and intemperate rabble rousing, has been cocked and loaded in plain view on the American stage; Saturday morning outside a shopping mall in Tucson, Arizona, it went off again and again and again."

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