Mercury is more danger - Amalgam ist gefährlicher

A: Minimengen an Qecksilber führt zu chronischen Entzündungen (somit zu vielen Krankheiten wie Autismus, Alzheimer etc.
extrem low levels of mercury lead to chronic inflammtion( many disease, e.g. autism, Alzheimer..)

(Kempurraij et al. J Neuroinflammation 2010,7:20)

B: Neue wissenschaftliche Arbeit zu Quecksilber von Dr. Joachim Mutter jetzt online.

New scientific publication from Dr. Joachim Mutter online:

C: Heilung durch Amalgamentfernung: Dirigent des Philharmonie Orchesters, Boston, Prof. Ben Zander

Healing through amalgam removal: Conductor of the Boston Philoharmic Orchestra.

Mercury Fillings A Health Threat?

BOSTON -- Ben Zander, the conductor of the Boston Philharmonic Orchestra, saw his career hit a dark note seven years ago."They told me it was Meniere's disease and there was nothing they could do about it," said Zander. Zander was suffering from an inner ear disease. It caused dizziness and vomiting. During concerts he would have to pass the baton to an assistant and leave the stage."It was devastating when my hearing went . It was ghastly. It could have been career-ending," explained Zander. He went from doctor to doctor, and no one could help. Then he was referred biological dentist Dr. G. Robert Evans of the Groton Wellness Dental Spa and Medical Center. Evans traced his symptoms to the amalgam fillings in his mouth. Fillings that were partly mercury. Evans removed 15 fillings immediately."Mercury is the most toxic non-radioactive substance known to man. It is 1,000 times more toxic than lead, said Evans. After the removal of Zander's fillings, he has had, a miraculous recovery from his disease. All of the symptoms disappeared.....

D: FDA Anhörung zu Quecksilberfüllungen: Viele Beweise der Schädlichkeit, siehe auch Intervie mit Ben Zander oder Amanda Just:
FDA hearing Mercury 12/2010: Susan Runner of the FDA is squirming all over the place, Watson of the FDA looks like he wishes he had stayed home, as does Jeffcoat, the Panel chair and an ADA stalwart. Exceptionally well written and delivered.

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