Peak Oil and Our Financial Decline
The Nation and On The Earth Productions: "In this fifth video in the series 'Peak Oil and a Changing Climate' from The Nation and On The Earth Productions, author, blogger and social critic James Howard Kunstler opens up on two circumstances he sees running neck and neck 'that are going to put us out of business as an advanced industrial civilization' - the 'fiasco' in banking, money and finance and the unfolding 'energy predicament.' He explains that the crises are really all about 'capital' and that we need to look at how wealth has been accumulated and deployed for productive purposes. Kunstler suggests that 'cheap abundant energy' has facilitated ever-increasing industrialization for centuries. But now that society is in a period of self-destructive capital accumulation, he expects debt to increase as abundance in energy drops."
The Nation and On The Earth Productions: "In this fifth video in the series 'Peak Oil and a Changing Climate' from The Nation and On The Earth Productions, author, blogger and social critic James Howard Kunstler opens up on two circumstances he sees running neck and neck 'that are going to put us out of business as an advanced industrial civilization' - the 'fiasco' in banking, money and finance and the unfolding 'energy predicament.' He explains that the crises are really all about 'capital' and that we need to look at how wealth has been accumulated and deployed for productive purposes. Kunstler suggests that 'cheap abundant energy' has facilitated ever-increasing industrialization for centuries. But now that society is in a period of self-destructive capital accumulation, he expects debt to increase as abundance in energy drops."
Starmail - 29. Jan, 05:45
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