When will George W. Bush be tried for his war crimes?

Future of Freedom Foundation Future of Freedom Foundation
by Sheldon Richman


We should take a small measure of satisfaction in former President George W. Bush?s cancellation of his trip to Switzerland after human-rights groups threatened to bring legal action against him for authorizing torture. Persons detained by the U.S. government after 9/11 were subjected to what the Bush administration euphemistically called 'enhanced interrogation,' including waterboarding. In reality those methods constituted torture, violating U.S. law and international agreements...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Sneak Peek At The Last War Crime, The New Feature Film About Indicting Cheney For Torture: The Water Boarding Scene

Please note: Our hosting service provider had an outage Tuesday morning but is back up now, so we are resending this very important alert.

If you have been following our alerts you know we have been hard at work for the last couple months producing a new full length feature film called "The Last War Crime", on indicting Cheney for torture. We are very excited to announce we have completed what they call principal photography, and hope to have the finished film edited soon. In the meantime, we have now posted a clip of the pivotal water boarding scene on this page.

Last War Crime Sneak Peek Video: http://www.peaceteam.net/bumper_stickers_lwc.php

In this key scene we make the dramatic case that 1) water boarding is torture (in part by putting the audience in the point of view of the person being water boarded), and that 2) the purpose of water boarding was to obtain the false confessions to justify an invasion of Iraq, both of which are clear facts.

And from the same page above you can request one of the new bumper stickers we have created to spread the word about this upcoming film debut. We'll send you one for no charge, not even shipping, and all you have to do is ask. But of course if you can make a donation of any amount there are at least two good reasons for doing so.

First, we still have substantial additional expenses to incur in post production to get this new movie in real theaters where it deserves to be. We have provided income for many valiant progressive activists along the way and want to keep doing so. Second, if you can make a donation it makes it possible for us to send free bumper stickers to anyone who cannot make a donation right now.

Ever since Cheney confessed on national television that he was a "big supporter" of water boarding (a scene we also recreate in the film) there could be no doubt that the affirmative decision to engage in torture went to the highest levels of our government, and it strongly suggests that Cheney himself was the driving force in making it happen. The secret legal opinions that purported to justify these war crimes were drafted by David Addington, Cheney's own legal counsel, events we again recreate in the film.

We believe "The Last War Crime" movie is destined to have a real impact, in the first instance by generating a real discussion on the soul of our nation. We have simply spectacular performances from upward of a hundred amazing cast members, a very high level of technical polish in the raw footage, and we are just an edit away from a truly extraordinary cultural event. And if life can imitate art, this powerful narrative film may even result in those who committed these crimes being brought to real justice.

So please request your "The Last War Crime" bumper sticker now from the sneak peek link above, and we'll see you in the theaters!

Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed to be ours, and forward this alert as widely as possible.



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