Pakistan summons US diplomat over drone strike

''The government of Pakistan strongly condemns the US drone attack that occurred in North Waziristan,'' a Foreign Ministry statement said. ''Such attacks are in total contravention of international law and established norms of interstate relations.''

U.S. kills innocent girls

Hard on the heels of Khar-Grossman talks in which Pakistan turned down the US request to let Nato supplies pass through, the US ended its month-long hiatus in drone warfare and claimed that it had killed four suspected militants and wounded two others holed up in a girls' school in North Waziristan on Sunday. The truth is that the attack left four young girls dead.

U.S. Kills Ten People In NW Pakistan

At least 10 people were killed and one was injured in a U.S. drone strike early Saturday morning in Pakistan s northwest tribal area of North Waziristan, reported local Urdu TV channel Express.

2 Pakistani lawsuits pressure government to deal with CIA drone strikes

Although Pakistan s leaders have complained bitterly about CIA drones targeting militants on their country s soil, they seem powerless to stop them. Now attorneys for drone strike victims want to know why the government has failed to act.

Pakistan: 'US planning to usurp our independence'

Syed Munawar Hasan, has said that the imprudent rulers had lost a golden opportunity of reviving national honor and adopting an independent foreign policy by deciding to restore NAO supplies in haste.

US 'kills four' in Pakistan s North Waziristan

The attack is the third since March, when Pakistan s parliament called for the use of drones to cease.

US attacks mosque; 10 killed

''The drone fired two missiles and hit the village mosque where a number of people were offering Fajr (morning) prayer,'' local tribal elder Roashan Din told NBC News.

US kills 11 people in Pakistan

US drones carried out two strikes in North Waziristan tribal region of Pakistan today, killing 11.

US kills four in Pakistan

Four people were killed in a US drone strike Saturday in Pakistan's northwestern tribal belt, said a security official here.

U.S. Again Bombs Mourners

By Glenn Greenwald

The Obama policy of attacking rescuers and grieving rituals continues this weekend in Pakistan.

Jeremy Scahill Calls President Obama A Murderer


Weighing in on President Obama s targeted drone strikes in the Middle East, journalist Jeremy Scahill did not mince words.

US Kills 15 people in Pakistan

US drones targeted ''Taliban militants'' gathered in a house in the South Waziristan tribal region Sunday, killing at least 10 of them in the latest in a series of attacks carried out by CIA-operated spy planes despite protests from Pakistan government.

Pakistan 'trashed' and insulted, Kayani won t meet US official

''You cannot trash our sovereignty, threaten us, announce intensified drone attacks, kill our soldiers, refuse to apologise when you do the same in Kabul, hold back our money (from the Coalition Support Fund), threaten to cut off all aid and then pretend that it is business as usual,'' the official added.

US kills 4 people in Pakistan, officials say

Pakistani intelligence officials say a U.S. drone strike has killed four ''suspected militants'' after firing two missiles at a vehicle in which they were riding near the Afghan border.

US attack kills 4 in Pakistan

At least four people were killed Thursday in a US drone strike in Pakistan s northwest tribal region, media reports said.

From Information Clearing House


The president s private war

Fox News Forum
by Judge Andrew P. Napolitano


Did you know that the United States government is using drones to kill innocent people in Pakistan? Did you know that the Pakistani government has asked President Obama to stop it and he won t? Did you know that Pakistan is a sovereign country that has nuclear weapons and is an American ally? Last week, the Obama administration not only acknowledged the use of the drones; it also revealed that it has plans to increase the frequency and ferocity of the attacks...

U.S. drone strike in Pakistan kills 8 suspected militants

Dubuque Telegraph-Herald


An American drone fired a volley of missiles into a house close to the Afghan border on Saturday, killing eight suspected militants and indicating U.S. resolve to continue with the attacks despite renewed Pakistani opposition, officials said. The strike in North Waziristan was the second American drone operation in Pakistan this week...

Drone attacks in Pakistan kill 14 in two days

Deutsche Welle [Germany]


An easing of tensions between the United States and Pakistan does not appear to be in sight, with suspected US drones killing 14 people in two days. Ten alleged militants were killed in a drone attack Thursday in Pakistan near the country s border with Afghanistan. According to Pakistani security officials, the unmanned aircraft fired two missiles in the village of Khassokhel in the North Waziristan tribal area. It is believed the attacks came from US drones and comes a day after a similar attack killed four suspected militants in the same region...,,15973289,00.html

US drone 'kills six' in Pakistan s tribal north-west

BBC News


A US drone strike has killed at least six people in north-west Pakistan, officials say, the latest in a barrage of strikes on a restive tribal region. ... Officials say those killed were foreigners, but they were unable to identify their nationalities...

US drone strikes again, kills five militants in Pak

Hindustan Times [India]


A US drone targeted a house in the restive South Waziristan tribal region of Pakistan on Sunday, killing five [alleged] militants in the latest in a series of attacks by the CIA-operated spy planes. The drone struck in Barmal area of South Waziristan Agency, TV news channels quoted officials as saying. Five bodies had been pulled out of the house, which caught fire after several missiles slammed into it...

US drone strike ''kills at least five''

Agence France-Presse


A US drone strike targeting a militant compound in Pakistan s northwestern tribal district killed at least five militants late Tuesday, security officials said. The unmanned aircraft fired two missiles on the compound in the Shawal area, some 50 kilometres southwest of Miranshah, the main town of North Waziristan tribal district, near the Afghan border. The area is considered to be a hub of Taliban and Al-Qaeda activity...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Time to Put an End to US-Pakistani 'Client-Master' Relationship

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