STOP The Filibuster Now

In the face of four years of Senate filibusters at a record setting pace, preventing any possible real legislative progress for the American people, is it surprising that there would be strong calls for reforming this now most abused congressional tactic? Even the appointments of non-controversial federal judges have been systematically blocked in acts of obstructionism for their own sake.

Please speak out now. The votes are there to change this if only we bolster them up.

Stop The Filibuster Action Page:

In particular, the purpose of a filibuster was supposed to be to make sure that real debate on the issues would not be shut down. But instead we find Republicans simply threatening to filibuster as a way of derailing the whole process of government, and the result is no actual public debate at all. So the most important reform must be that if opponents of a bill want to call for more debate, they must be forced to actually put one up. And then let the American people decide on their C-SPAN who is wasting the country's time and who is not.

This and other critically needed reforms are contained in a bill put forward by Senator Mark Udall from Colorado. The American people have deserved a fair up or down vote for the longest time, and it's high time they got one on this bill, which can be passed by just such a margin.

So please submit the action page above right now, which will send your instant message through our own dedicated fax server to your own senators. And after you do, also consider picking up one of the new "Stop The Filibuster" caps, to display your support for real legislative action.

Stop The Filibuster caps:

We can also tell you that production of our new full length feature film, about indicting Cheney for torture, is in high gear even as we speak. "The Last War Crime" is the story of what would have happened, and what should still happen, if any member of the Justice Department had the integrity to prosecute the war criminals who told knowing lies to get us entrapped into endless and counterproductive occupations of both Iraq and Afghanistan, using false confessions obtained by torture to sell them.

There was an interesting news item we just read about how Cheney is healthy enough with his new artificial assist heart pump to go out and see movies. So he certainly will have no excuse not to see "The Last War Crime", coming to a theatre near him, and you, very soon. At least then he will know how he really will be remembered by history.

Any donation you can make allows us to employ good progressive activists as cast and crew to make this new creative media project a reality. With your kind support we will have this destined to be controversial new film playing in theaters all over the country in the new year as a policy advocacy action. So here is a link directly to the page where you can get your own "Last War Crime" cap.

Last War Crime page:

And here is the Facebook link for the Stop The Filibuster action page further above.

[Facebook] Action Page:

And this is the Twitter reply for this same action

@cxs #p1064

Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed to be ours, and forward this alert as widely as possible.



Minority Again Uses Filibuster to Hijack Senate Will

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