With Global Unrest and Militarized Police, Where Do You Go To Escape?
The Police State vs. Occupy Wall Street: This Is Not Going To End Well for Any of Us
Michael Bloomberg: The Villain Occupy Wall Street Has Been Waiting For
Who Will Be the Un-Bloomberg? What Mayors Should Say About Wall Street
Day of Action Underway: Thousands Occupy Wall Street
Rights Group Concerned Over Journalists? Arrests at OWS
Former Philadelphia Police Captain Joins Occupy Protesters, Gets Arrested
Live: Occupy Wall Street Day of Action
Arundhati Roy: We Are All Occupiers
Billionaire Media Moguls vs. Occupy Wall Street
This Is What America Looks Like
William Rivers Pitt, Truthout: 'Let s get a few things straight right from the jump. First of all, despite all the gleeful obituaries that have been appearing across the scabrous landscape of the 'mainstream' news media, the Occupy movement is not, in fact, over. Mayor Michael Bloomberg may have sent in cops like thieves in the night to dispossess peaceful protesters and destroy books in New York City, but there are hundreds of Occupy camps still standing from one side of this nation to the other.'
Brookfield Deploys Private Security Squadron to Liberty Plaza Park
J.A. Myerson, Truthout: 'There is a new group of people occupying Liberty Plaza Park. Clad in dark clothes with glowing yellow vests, a group of husky security guards, all of them white men, now patrol the park. Since Monday night s eviction of the occupation by New York s Police and Sanitation Departments, under the orders of Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Liberty Plaza Park, whose specific commission is to provide access to the public 24 hours a day, has been surrounded by metal barricades, a handful of one-person-wide breaks providing the only entrances and exits.'
Live Blog: Occupy Wall Street Protest
This blog will feature Truthout s live coverage of the Occupy movement s national day of protest today. Our editors will be summarizing news from around the country. Matt Renner (Truthout's Director of Development) will be on the ground in New York City, participating in and tweeting from the New York protests.
San Francisco Police Arrest 100 in Bank of America Protest
Maura Dolan, The Los Angeles Times: 'Protesters in the Occupy Wall Street movement seized a Bank of America branch in the city s financial district Wednesday, a demonstration that forced jittery customers and employees to flee and ended in nearly 100 arrests. It took about 40 police officers in riot gear nearly four hours to clear the bank, but no one was injured. Police said many of those arrested were UC Santa Cruz students who were protesting fee increases and budget cuts.'
Billionaires Use Tax Loophole to Lower Their Tax Rates to One Percent
Pat Garofalo, ThinkProgress: 'In 2009, 1,470 households reported income of more than $1 million but paid no federal income tax on it, through their use of various tax loopholes and shelters. Tax rates for millionaires have fallen by 25 percent since the mid-'90s, while one quarter of millionaires currently pay lower tax rates than the average middle-class household?. The tax code is full of provisions that help the very wealthy, like the pernicious carried interest loophole or the preferential treatment of investment income. And the end result is a tax code that advantages the 1 percent over the 99 percent.'
Defense Budget Flip: Dick Armey: Cut the Budget, Obama: Slow the Increase
Dina Rasor, Truthout: ''Every once in a while, the normal assumptions and labeling of politicians gets shook up when one of them steps out of their assigned box and suggests a breakthrough from the politics as usual. Last week, Dick Armey wrote an eye-opening editorial on Newsmax chiding the Obama administration for not really cutting defense, but instead, just planning to cut the increase.''
Somebody s Got To Keep 'Em Awake
Video Interview - Keith Olbermann
84 Year Old Activist Dorli Rainey on being pepper-sprayed by Seattle police, importance of activism.
Top Favorite Stock Holdings of Congress
By Barry Ritholtz
How can elected officials do 'the people s business' when they are too busy running around trading on the votes they are about to cast?
The 99% Deficit Proposal Published
By Kevin Zeese
Occupy Washington DC Shows How to Create Jobs, Reduce the Wealth Divide and Control Spending.
Occupy USA
Day Of Action
Live Video Stream
Occupy Wall Street s 'Day of Disruption'
From Information Clearing House
Mehr als 240 Festnahmen an der Wall Street
'Bei Demonstrationen an der Wall Street in New York ist es zu heftigen Ausschreitungen gekommen. Mehr als 240 Menschen wurden nach Medienberichten festgenommen. Zehn Demonstranten und sieben Polizisten wurden verletzt?' Artikel in der NZZ vom 18.11.2011
Aus dem Text: ?(?) Tausende Menschen waren nach Aufrufen über Netzwerke wie Facebook in das Herz des New Yorker Finanzbezirks gekommen, um gegen die Macht der Banken und soziale Ungerechtigkeiten zu demonstrieren. Am «Day of Action» (»Tag der Aktion») zogen sie durch die Stadt, besetzten U-Bahnstationen und Plätze. In den späten Abendstunden liefen die Massen mit Lichtern und Plakaten über die Brooklyn Bridge. Strassensperren hinderten die Aktivisten bei den Protestmärschen tagsüber daran, direkt zur New Yorker Börse vorzustossen. Die Polizei hatte ihre Sicherheitsvorkehrungen um das ohnehin seit zwei Monaten weitgehend abgeriegelte Gebäude verstärkt. Eisengitter und Beamte in Kampfmontur versperrten den Demonstranten den Weg ins Herz des Finanzbezirks. Menschen, die zu ihren Arbeitsplätzen wollten, mussten scharfe Kontrollen über sich ergehen lassen. Ihr Vorhaben, die Börse lahm zu legen, konnten die Demonstranten jedoch nicht umsetzen??
Proteste in New York: Occupy kehrt zurück
Kaum einen Tag nach der Räumung des Occupy-Camps in New York sind dessen Bewohner in den Zuccotti-Park zurückgekehrt - ohne Zelte, ohne Schlafsäcke. Ihre Botschaft ist dennoch klar: Der Staat hat uns seine Macht gezeigt, nun zeigen wir unsere. Artikel von Nadja Erb in der Frankfurter Rundschau vom 16.11.2011
Angela Davis: Nein zu Räumungen und Polizeigewalt!
Gerade jetzt sollten sich die Occupy-Aktivisten nicht abdrängen lassen. Sie müssen den 99 Prozent mit ihrem Beispiel zeigen, wie man zusammenfinden kann. Artikel von Angela Davis in Freitag vom 16.11.2011
Wissen und wissen wollen
Was fordert die »Occupy Wall Street«-Bewegung? Die meisten US-Medien schweigen dazu. Artikel von Mumia Abu-Jamal in der jungen Welt vom 12.11.2011
Learning from Oakland: Rise up Together to Make the Difference!
'We are proud to publish a report on the Oakland general strike written by Kimi Lee, woman, mother, migrant and activist of the collectives Colorful Mamas of 99% and LeftBay99, the latter born as a space for organization within the #occupy movement, after the strike was launched. It is an enthusiastic and sincere report. We have a lot to learn from Oakland: the ways in which the strike was organized and practiced and how it is regarded today by those who have been protagonists? Rise up together to make the difference?...' Der Report von Kimi Lee bei (s)Connessioni precarie
Aus: LabourNet, 18. November 2011