Donnerstag, 28. Oktober 2010

Fishermen Report Louisiana Bays Filled With Oil

Dahr Jamail and Erika Blumenfeld, Truthout: "On Saturday, October 23, Truthout spotted what appeared to be massive areas of weathered oil floating near Louisiana's fragile marshlands in both East and West Bays along the Mississippi River Delta. In addition, at least two more oil leaks were spotted near oil and gas platforms along Louisiana's embattled coastline. Four days prior, federal on-scene cleanup coordinator for the BP oil disaster, Coast Guard Rear Adm. Paul Zukunft, declared there was little recoverable surface oil in the Gulf of Mexico."

Drill, Brazil, Drill

Erik German, GlobalPost: "This week Brazil is poised to start selling off its 'gift from God.' After billions of barrels of undersea oil were discovered off Brazil's coast in 2007, President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva credited divine providence. 'God is Brazilian,' he said in a speech following the discovery, later calling the oil not only a divine gift, but his country's 'passport to the future.' That future arrives in part on Thursday. That's when Brazil's state-run oil company, Petrobras, is set to announce the start of its commercial production of a small section of the Tupi field, one of several billion-barrel oil fields the company says are located offshore.... As the crude begins to flow, some industry experts say Brazil has understated the risks involved - made apparent by the deep-sea drilling that caused this year's disastrous spill in the Gulf of Mexico."

Marine Toxicologist Riki Ott on the BP Oil Spill and Its Long-Term Effects

Rose Aguilar spoke with Riki Ott on the sixth-month anniversary of the BP oil disaster - one of the largest environmental disasters in US history. In 1989, Ott, a marine toxicologist who lives in Cordova, Alaska, experienced firsthand the devastating effects of the Exxon Valdez oil disaster. She's spent five of the past six months traveling back and forth between Louisiana and Florida to gather information about what's really happening in the Gulf and share the lessons she learned about long-term illnesses and deaths of clean-up workers and residents. She's planning to return in January.


Exxon Aims to Bail on Payments for Valdez Damage

In its filing to the US District Court in Alaska on September 30, the company argues that the agreement it reached with the government only covers 'restoration' work-not additional 'clean-up.'

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