Donnerstag, 16. September 2010

War Crimes: Codepink Attempts Citizen Arrest of Karl Rove in DC


With handcuffs raised, they called for a citizen's arrest and read the charges against him.!

War crimes: Group offers $100,000 for 'information leading to the arrest and conviction of Karl Rove'

American Crossroads" groups known to many as the "shadow RNC," an activist organization declared that it would give $100,000 to any person who comes forward with "information leading to the arrest and conviction of Karl Rove."

From Information Clearing House


Blair should take a journey to jail

Information Clearinghouse
by Jodie Evans


I leapt up with handcuffs held high above my head. ‘You Liar. I was in Iraq and met with weapons inspectors before we invaded and they said they had found no WMDs. You are a War CRIMINAL! LIAR!’ At this moment I was surrounded by NYC cops and British Secret Service and they slammed me up against the wall and dragged me out of the room to cheers. The British guys were brutal, dragging me, yelling at me and begging the NYPD to arrest me.

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Stop Karl Rove From Stealing Another Election

Today we jump back in to support the initiative launched by our activist friends at Velvet Revolution, to confront the latest corporate attempt to muscle in on our elections.

Karl Rove has joined with the corporate controlled US Chamber of Commerce, four conservative billionaires, and a host of Big Business CEOs to amass and spend more than $50 million to elect pro business, pro-deregulation candidates in November, using a corporate front organization called "American Crossroads". Please help blow the whistle on this giant leap towards unmitigated American Fascism.

Stop American Crossroads Action Page:

Velvet Revolution has already filed complaints with the Federal Election Commission and the Department of Justice requesting an investigation into American Crossroads because of its de facto takeover of the Republican National Committee without the concomitant regulatory controls and its laundering of secret money. And now we need your help. Just submit the form above to send an instant blast e-fax to your members of Congress and President Obama, requesting a full investigation into the activities of Rove's group.

They are also releasing ads calling on each candidate supported by American Crossroads to reject the support. The first ad focuses on Carly Fiorina, who is running for Senate in California. The tag line says, Carly, do the right thing, tell Karl Rove to keep his dirty tricks anddirty money out of California elections!

Obviously the looming threat posed by the sinister Supreme Court decision in the "Corporations Unregulated" case is already a pressing constitutional crisis. This is why we need everyone to help us distribute the "Corporations Are NOT The People" bumper stickers while there is still time to save our democracy.

Please consider picking up a bulk pack of 25 for just a modest donation, which is what makes it possible for us to send free bumper stickers to anyone who cannot make a donation right now. Be the key activist in your own neighborhood to get these in the hands of all your friends and on to their car bumpers.

Bulk Corporations Are Not The People bumper stickers:

And you can always get one free for yourself with no donation required, if you have not requested yours already. You can also have your choice of an "Impeach The Supreme Court 5" bumper sticker.

Single bumper stickers for no charge:

And here is the Facebook link for the Stop American Crossroads action page further above.

[Facebook] Action Page:

And this is the Twitter reply for this same action

@cxs #p1055

Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed to be ours, and forward this alert as widely as possible.


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