Freitag, 4. Juli 2008

Hunkering Down in Afghanistan with Field-Marshall Obama

By Mike Whitney

By every objective standard, conditions are worse for the Afghan people than they were before the invasion in 2001. The economy is in shambles, unemployment is soaring, reconstruction is minimal, security is non-existent and malnutrition is at levels that rival sub-Saharan Africa.

Pentagon extends tour of Marines in Afghanistan

The Pentagon has extended the tour of 2,200 Marines in Afghanistan, after insisting for months the unit would come home on time.

Military Chief: US Doesn't Have Enough Troops To Send To Afghanistan

The nation's top military officer said yesterday that more U.S. troops are needed in Afghanistan to tamp down an increasingly violent insurgency, but that the Pentagon does not have sufficient forces to send because they are committed to the war in Iraq.

One in five Afghan troops leave fledgling military force

Defence Department documents prepared last May say 10 to 20 per cent of the 20,000 Afghans who went through military training end up leaving the fledgling army.

Children suffer more in Afghanistan than any other country: UN

Children in Afghanistan suffer more than in any other country in the world from violence, war and poverty, and sometimes become suicide bombers, the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) said Thursday.

From Information Clearing House


Bush: US to send more troops to Afghanistan

Wire Dispatch


Grappling with a record death toll in an overshadowed war, President Bush promised Wednesday to send more U.S. troops into Afghanistan by year’s end. He conceded that June was a ‘tough month’ in the nearly seven-year-old war. In fact, it was the deadliest month for U.S. troops in Afghanistan since the conflict began. … The Pentagon predicts the pace of attacks in Afghanistan by a resurgent Taliban is likely to rise this year, despite U.S.-led efforts to capture key leaders. ‘We’re going to increase troops by 2009,’ Bush said, without offering details about exactly when or how many...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

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