Buecher, Books, DVD, CD, Videos

Montag, 28. September 2015

DARPA is implanting chips in soldiers' brains, according to this new book

For decades, DARPA, the secretive research arm of the Department of Defense, has dreamed of turning soldiers into cyborgs. And now it s finally happening.


From Information Clearing House


Donnerstag, 19. Juni 2014

Surviving Evil: CIA Mind Control Experiments in Vermont


While the CIA s MK-ULTRA mind control research, and associated experimental programs concerned with interrogation, torture, and use of ...




Freitag, 12. April 2013

Physical Control of the Mind: Toward a Psychocivilized Society



Freitag, 22. März 2013

''Viruses of the Mind''

By Richard Dawkins

In 1991, Richard Dawkins wrote an essay entitled ''Viruses of the Mind'', in which he relates biological and computer viruses, diseases, and epidemiology in order to explain the transmission of beliefs and practices attributed to religion.




Samstag, 26. Januar 2013

Walter Bowart: Operation Mind Control

Operation Mind Control Walter Bowart pdf
View more ebooks on ebookbrowse.com


Freitag, 1. Juli 2011

Book Dissects CIA Mind Control Experiments

American Free Press

The Search for the 'Manchurian Candidate' by former State Department officer John Marks is the one book that puts to rest the old saw that 'there's no such thing as mind control.' Not to be confused with the popular political novel - and two Hollywood ...




Mittwoch, 26. Januar 2011

The Official Spin On Top-Secret Government Programs?



Donnerstag, 17. April 2008

Secrets and Lies: A History of CIA Mind Control and Germ Warfare

by Gordon Thomas

Germ warfare? Secret mind control programs? New tell-all to be featured prominently in a National Geographic television special recounts the CIA's dirtiest deeds from insiders who have been there. In the late summer of 2001, prolific and best-selling British author Gordon Thomas received five CD-ROM disks, containing some 22,000 documents relating to secret CIA programs. None has been published...until now. In the shocking new release Secrets and Lies: A History of CIA Mind Control and Germ Warfare, author Thomas unleashes horrific accounts of the CIA's sick relationship with physicians and scientists whose aim it was to obtain control over the human mind and perfect the ultimate killing machine: germ microbes. Relying on sources that touch the very top echelon of the CIA, Thomas s methodical reporting concentrates on a triangle of men: Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, William "Bill" Buckley, and Frank Olson. Gottlieb, the former chief of the CIA's Technical Services Branch, organized an unprecedented system of medical torture using a team of like-minded staff doctors. Frank Olson was a former CIA scientist whose death sparked his son to find out who killed his father and why. And then there is Buckley, a long-serving CIA officer and an unparalleled source because of his position as a point man for the MK-ULTRA program and special assistant to Bill Casey, director of the CIA under President Ronald Reagan. Secrets and Lies lays out the facts about the CIA s massive stockpiling of biological weapons and tells the entire story of the CIA's mind control experiments, as seen largely through the eyes of Buckley, ending with his death at the hands of Hezhbollah.

About the Author

THE AUTHOR GORDON THOMAS is the author of forty books. Total sales exceed 45 million copies. Several were Main Selections for the US Book of the Month Club, the Literary Guild and the Readers Digest Book Club. He has received two Mark Twain Society Awards for Reporting Excellence. Seven of his books are major motion pictures, including the five times Academy Award-nominated Voyage of the Damned. His bestseller, Gideon s Spies: The Secret History of the Mossad, became a major documentary, which he wrote and narrated for Britain s Channel Four and it was later shown worldwide. This book followed almost three years of research during which he was given unprecedented access to Mossad s key personnel. The book has been published worldwide Gordon Thomas writes on intelligence matters for The Sunday Express (UK), El Mundo (Spain), Welt Am Sonntag and Bild (Germany); Wprost (Poland); and Daily Telegraph (Australia). He is a regular broadcaster on current affairs for the BBC and US networks. He has lectured widely on the secrets of the intelligence world. He is currently at work on his new book Inside British Intelligence to be published next year.



Germ Warfare Against America

Mind Control Index: Wake Up America

A History Timeline of Population Control

The Secret History of Mind Control



Mittwoch, 17. Oktober 2007

Auszug aus „Versklavte Gehirne“



Sonntag, 18. September 2005

NATO’s Secret Armies: Operation Gladio and Terrorism in Western Europe

At a time when experts are debating whether NATO is suited to deal with the global “war on terror”, new research suggests that the alliance’s own secret history has links to terrorism.


By Daniele Ganser for ISN Security Watch (15/12/04)

Editor’s Note: This report written by Daniele Ganser is based on excerpts from his newly released book, “NATO’s Secret Armies. Operation Gladio and Terrorism in Western Europe”, released this week by Frank Cass in London. The book describes NATO’s clandestine operations during the Cold War. The research was prompted by a story that made world headlines in 1990 but quickly disappeared, ensuring that even today, NATO’s secret armies remain just that - secret. Until now, a full investigation of NATO’s secret armies had not been carried out - a task that Ganser has taken on single-handedly and quite successfully...


Informant: Rory Winter


NATO's Secret Armies (Operation Gladio and Terrorism in Western Europe)


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