Dawn of the drones
Information Libertation
by John Whitehead
Imagine a robot hovering overhead as you go about your day, driving to and from work, heading to the grocery store, or stopping by a friend?s house. The robot records your every movement with a surveillance camera and streams the information to a government command center. If you make a wrong move, or even appear to be doing something suspicious, the police will respond quickly and you will soon be under arrest. ... It is a frightening thought, but you don t have to imagine this scenario. We are only a few years away from the realization of this total surveillance society...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
by John Whitehead
Imagine a robot hovering overhead as you go about your day, driving to and from work, heading to the grocery store, or stopping by a friend?s house. The robot records your every movement with a surveillance camera and streams the information to a government command center. If you make a wrong move, or even appear to be doing something suspicious, the police will respond quickly and you will soon be under arrest. ... It is a frightening thought, but you don t have to imagine this scenario. We are only a few years away from the realization of this total surveillance society...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
Starmail - 16. Feb, 09:33
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