Donnerstag, 27. September 2012

America being transformed into giant surveillance grid

Activist Post
by Michael Snyder

''You are being watched. The control freaks that hold power in the United States have become absolutely obsessed with surveillance. They are constantly attempting to convince the American people that we are all ''safer'' when virtually everything that we do is watched, monitored, tracked and recorded. Our country is being systematically transformed into a giant surveillance grid far more comprehensive than anything George Orwell ever dreamed of. If you still believe that there is such a thing as 'privacy' in this day and age, you are being delusional.''

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


19 Signs That America Is Being Systematically Transformed Into a Giant Surveillance Grid


Justice Department Documents Show Huge Increase in Warrantless Electronic Surveillance

Justice Department documents released today by the ACLU reveal that federal law enforcement agencies are increasingly monitoring Americans' electronic communications, and doing so without warrants, sufficient oversight, or meaningful accountability.

From Information Clearing House

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