Dienstag, 8. Februar 2011

Gladio: Geheimarmeen in Europa

Mittwoch, den 16.2 um 20:15 Uhr, 19.02.2011 um 16:20 und 22.02.2011 um 10:50 Gladio - Geheimarmeen in Europa

In Italien und Deutschland sterben in den 60er bis 80er Jahren zahlreiche Menschen bei Bombenanschlägen. Indizien belegen bestimmte Zusammenhänge, die Spuren führen zu einer geheimen Struktur namens "Gladio".


[ http://www.arte.tv/de/woche/244,broadcastingNum=1214846,day=5,week=7,year=2011.html ]

Informant: Frank Ermisch


TiaLinx's Cougar20-H surveillance robot can peer through walls, see you breathe

By Donald Melanson posted Feb 7th 2011 3:58AM

You may be able to outrun it, but you probably won't be able to hide from TiaLinx's new Cougar20-H surveillance robot. While it might not look like much, the bot packs an impressive RF array that's not only able to detect movement within a building (though concrete walls, no less), but is even able to detect a person breathing inside a building at "long standoff distances." Perhaps not surprisingly, complete details are largely being kept under wraps (the bot was developed with some help from the U.S. Army), but this isn't simply a prototype -- it'll be rolling out next month and is expected to be put to use by various law enforcement and government agencies. Head on past the break for the official press release.




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