Mittwoch, 5. Januar 2011

First, Your Shoes; Next, Your DNA: On How Surveillance Is Erasing Freedom and Autonomy

Alissa Bohling, Truthout: "Elliot Cohen's reputation for prescient reporting precedes his new book, 'Mass Surveillance and State Control: The Total Information Awareness Project.' In 2007, years before today's comparatively widespread coverage of the Comcast-NBC merger and other threats to net neutrality, Cohen won the first place Project Censored award for his story about the free speech implications of the 2005 Supreme Court decision cementing the Federal Communications Commission's (FCC) position that telecommunications laws could not be applied to cable modem services."

Das Handy wird zum Spion in der Hosentasche


Virenverseuchte Handys rufen teure Auslandsnummern an und spionieren heimlich den Aufenthaltsort des Eigentümers aus. "Die Programmierer von Viren probieren ...


CES: Thought-controlled iPad app gets in your head

New Scientist (blog)

... will be showing off two new applications for its mind-control technology at the upcoming Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas. ...


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CES: Thought-controlled...
New Scientist (blog) ... will be showing off two new...
Starmail - 31. Jan, 22:25


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