
Design flaws make INTERPHONE non-informative

Design Flaws Make Inter Phone Non-Informative



Counter-View Report: Interphone Study


Heavy use of cell phones may increase tumour risk: study


Industry study shows brain tumour link to heavy mobile phone usage


A LONG-awaited international study of the health risks of mobile phones has linked extended mobile phone use to an increased risk of developing brain tumours.


If it has been established that heavy use of cell phones can cause brain tumors, then the governments, industry, WHO, the psychiatry industry can no longer claim that EHS (electro magnetic sensitivity) dose not exist!! There is no doubt that one would at least suffer headaches while the tumor is developing.

Robert Riedlinger

Cindy Sage: SOURCE: The BioInitiative Working Group

May 17, 2010

Institute for Health and the Environment, University at Albany, Rensselaer, New York Ten-Year INTERPHONE Cell Phone Study Reports Increased Risk for Brain Cancer Experts call for changes in cell phone design, warnings, ban on use by children.

May 18, 2010: Today?s release of the final results of the ten-year long World Health Organization INTERPHONE Study confirms previous reports showing what many experts have warned ? that regular use of a cell phone by adults can significantly increase the risk of glioma by 40% with 1640 hours or more of use (this is about one-half hour per day over ten years). Tumors were more likely to occur on the side of the head most used for calling. David Carpenter MD MPH, BioInitiative Report co-editor and Director of the Institute for Health and the Environment at University at Albany, Rensselaer, NY says that "While this study is not perfect, the risks documented in it must be taken seriously as a warning to limit cell phone use, to restrict the use of cell phones, especially by children, and to call on manufacturers for redesign of cell phones and PDAs. It should also serve as a warning to governments that the deployment of new wireless technologies may bring risks to the public that are widespread, involuntary and increase long-term health care costs."

The study appears in the International Journal of Epidemiology. Thirteen teams from countries around the world combined their results.

Michael Kundi, head of the Institute of Environmental Health, Medical University of Vienna says of the study "Authors emphasize that no increased risk was detected overall. But this is not unexpected. No exposures to carcinogens that cause solid tumors like brain cancer or lung cancers, for example from tobacco and asbestos have ever been shown to significantly increase cancer risk in people with such short duration of exposure. The latency period for brain cancer is 15-30 years."

The INTERPHONE findings lend support to previous studies from Sweden´s Orebro University Hospital, University of Utah and UC Berkeley where meta-analyses have all reported increased risk of glioma when combining results of brain tumor studies.

Lennart Hardell, Orebro University, Sweden concludes "The final INTERPHONE results support findings of several research groups, including our own, that continuing use of a mobile phone increases risk of brain cancer. We would not expect to see substantially increased brain tumor risk for most cancer-causing agents except in the longer term (10 year and longer) as is the case here in the population of regular cell phone users."

"The patients included in this study were 30-59 years old, excluding younger and older users. Use of cordless phones was neglected in the analysis. Radiofrequency radiation from some cordless phones can be as high as mobile phones in some countries, so excluding such use would underestimate the risk.?

With more than four billion cell phone users around the world, the potential for a brain cancer epidemic leads experts to call for changes in cell phone design, warnings, and a ban on use by children. Children are more at risk than adults from the effects of most toxic exposures in life, including both chemicals and radiofrequency radiation from cell phones. Experts are worried about the effects of radiofrequency radiation on the developing brain and nervous system of children.

Public health warnings were raised in the BioInitiative Report on possible risks from cell phones and other exposures to electromagnetic fields (EMF) in 2007. It advised against the continuing deployment of sources of EMF and radiofrequency radiation from wireless technologies in advance of health studies, and argued for new biologically-based public safety limits to deal with emerging risks from new technologies. Results of the INTERPHONE study provide strong confirmation of the importance of these warnings.

First Swedish reporting ? you might translate by Google?

[ http://www.nzdoctor.co.nz/un-doctored/2010/may-2010/18/experts-call-for-changes-in-cell-phone-design,-warnings,-ban-on-use-by-children-.aspx ]


Israeli study cautions cellphone users

Brain cancer researchers find heavy use elevates risk of tumors.

Canada TV report on Interphone

Casual users - no increased risk. Regular, casual, "normal" users are not at risk. Whereas normal users are not at risk, abnormal users are at risk. While in reality it's the opposite: "normal" regular users are at risk, the "abnormal" who barely talk- are the ones who are not at risk. This only illustrates how twisted the INTERPHONE is. It's upside down.

I could not resist - a new (short) video clip about the interphone study.


Please feel free to forward.

No Rad

Informant: Iris Atzmon


Interphone study press release

Industry study shows brain tumour link to heavy mobile phone usage

A study has found excessive users of mobile phones may face an increased risk of developing brain...


Comments on Interphone

Today's release of the final results of the ten-year long World Health Organization INTERPHONE Study confirms previous reports showing what many experts have warned "that regular use of a cell phone by adults can significantly increase the risk of glioma by 40% with 1640 hours or more of use (this is about one-half hour per day over ten years). Tumors were more likely to occur on the side of the head most used for calling. David Carpenter MD MPH, BioInitiative Report co-editor and Director of the Institute for Health and the Environment at University at Albany, Rensselaer, NY says that While this study is not perfect, the risks documented in it must be taken seriously as a warning to limit cell phone use, to restrict the use of cell phones, especially by children, and to call on manufacturers for redesign of cell phones and PDAs. It should also serve as a warning to governments that the deployment of new wireless technologies may bring risks to the public that are widespread, involuntary and increase long-term health care costs.

Michael Kundi, head of the Institute of Environmental Health, Medical University of Vienna says of the study Authors emphasize that no increased risk was detected overall. But this is not unexpected. No exposures to carcinogens that cause solid tumors like brain cancer or lung cancers, for example from tobacco and asbestos have ever been shown to significantly increase cancer risk in people with such short duration of exposure. The latency period for brain cancer is 15-30 years.

The INTERPHONE findings lend support to previous studies from Sweden's Orebro University Hospital, University of Utah and UC Berkeley where meta-analyses have all reported increased risk of glioma when combining results of brain tumor studies.

Lennart Hardell, Orebro University, Sweden concludes "The final INTERPHONE results support findings of several research groups, including our own, that continuing use of a mobile phone increases risk of brain cancer. We would not expect to see substantially increased brain tumor risk for most cancer-causing agents except in the longer term (10 year and longer) as is the case here in the population of regular cell phone users."

The patients included in this study were 30-59 years old, excluding younger and older users. Use of cordless phones was neglected in the analysis. Radiofrequency radiation from some cordless phones can be as high as mobile phones in some countries, so excluding such use would underestimate the risk.

With more than four billion cell phone users around the world, the potential for a brain cancer epidemic leads experts to call for changes in cell phone design, warnings, and a ban on use by children. Children are more at risk than adults from the effects of most toxic exposures in life, including both chemicals and radiofrequency radiation from cell phones. Experts are worried about the effects of radiofrequency radiation on the developing brain and nervous system of children.

Public health warnings were raised in the BioInitiative Report on possible risks from cell phones and other exposures to electromagnetic fields (EMF) in 2007. It advised against the continuing deployment of sources of EMF and radiofrequency radiation from wireless technologies in advance of health studies, and argued for new biologically-based public safety limits to deal with emerging risks from new technologies. Results of the INTERPHONE study provide strong confirmation of the importance of these warnings.

Henrik, mast-victims.org

Note - The Interphone Study and the various ways that it has been reported, have muddied the waters of EMF safety once again. If anyone has doubts about the danger of cell phones, they should look at the huge number of studies which detail the health effects of microwave radiation. Those studies have been ongoing for over sixty five years and the adverse health effects are well established.

Please watch the enclosed important video Lloyd Morgan on Interphone Design Flaws.

Please share widely. Thanks.

Camilla Rees



Eileen O'Connor
EM Radiation Research Trust

CBC Radio The Current

For those who didn't get a chance to listen to the interview of the Interphone Study on CBC Radio The Current (May 18th 2010) you can listen at this link:


Full pdf of Interphone

At the moment the Journal's full pdf of Interphone (not just the abstract) is available at:


Also you can go to this link then click on each of the two items identified as supplementary data:



The result of the interphone study are not surprising. The metrology for the study are imprecise. Instead of looking at the cancer link, I would be looking for evidence increased neurodegenerative disease due to RF exposure.

Working form theory it would be expected that exposure to RF would exacerbate neurotoxic effects causing cell death at the point of exposure and bystander effects. For example under particular circumstances exposure to GSM modulated, 900 MHz signal is shown to act as a co-stressor for oxidative damage of neural cells resulting in neurodegenerative disease and immune system impairment.


Alexander Campbell

Cell Phones and Brain Cancer: The Real Story

Martin Weatherall


Bioinitiative press release on the Interphone results


Further analysis of INTERPHONE data

Having done further analysis of the data in the recently published pooled INTERPHONE data, the indication that long term phone use could increase brain tumour risk is becoming strikingly apparent.

Click here for the full news story


Bürgerwelle News



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