
Tumour risks from mobile phones


Attached is a recent story from Seven News (Australia) highlighting tumour risks from mobile phones and the failure of many phones to comply with SAR safety standards (especially when used in pockets).

It includes comments form Prof Bruce Armstrong (the Australian rep on the Interphone Study) who says ?I would not want to be a heavy user of a mobile phone?, from a neurosurgeon who sued for a brain tumour he linked to his mobile phone before he died), an independent research lab and the CEO of the Australian equivalent of our Telecommunications Users Association.

NB: The 50 fold safety figure quoted by the Telecom users CEO is designed ONLY to avoid acute ?burning? effects from EMR ? not biological effects which may lead to brain tumours and mental health effects. The ?safety figure? is a guess. It is misleading and deceptive for anyone to refer to that figure as evidence of safety, as the related documentation in the NZS 2772:1 and ICNIRP makes its deficiencies very clear.

The NZ Standard NZS2772:1 1999 has the same defect. This Local Government and Environment Select Committee recommended the NZS be reviewed (in its report of 24 November 2009) and the membership of the government? advisory committee should be changed to include more expert and community representation and less vested interests. Unfortunately the government (Minister for the Environment Nick Smith and - the Minister for Health Tony Ryall decided this review would not be done).

The scientists at Victoria University have developed a far more sensible and precautionary Health and Safety standard for EMR. Interesting also that the phones themselves now have warnings in the fine print- but noboidy uses their phone the way the warning recommends ? ie 2.5cm from the head and not kept in your pocket.

The video clip is well worth watching- despite taking a few seconds to get started.

Meanwhile our exposure to unwanted EMR is increasing in NZ from the proliferation of unwanted celltowers that are almost unregulated (as a result of the October 2008 National Environmental Standard for Telecommunications) and which have caused enormous community unrest throughout New Zealand including in Auckland, Manukau, Wellington, Nelson, Christchurch and Invercargill.

When is New Zealand government and experts going to listen to, and act on the widespread concerns of its own citizens and world experts? Who is big enough to admit that the existing regime is unsafe and a change is needed- if only because our public health system and ACC wont be able to afford to pay for the down-line consequences. .

Sue Grey LLB(Hons), BSc, RSHDipPHI
Ph 03 5450878


Enviornmental refugee in our nation's capital

From: Michele Charest
To: pm@pm.gc.ca
Sent: Wed, March 31, 2010 12:14:01 PM
Subject: enviornmental refugee in our nation's capital

I am writing to let you know my children and I suffered a host of health problems (microwave illness) and continue to do so, after living for 14 months a half block from a cell phone tower. A friend, who is an engineer specializing in sick building syndrome, saved us by pointing out the likely cause of my seeming sudden onset tinnitus. I moved and immediately began to feel better. It took me another 5 yrs of medical investigation, mostly on my own (I am an RN) to realize the full extent of my injury and then to figure out how to treat myself. Chronic fatigue syndrome has left me unable to work. My children are managing but do not have the same energy levels as their peers.

Extrapolating my situation, ppl who are exposed to lower levels thru everyday wireless communication devices may well, over time, reach the level of health compromises I did, but without the benefit of the knowledge I have, and thus, a means to protect themselves.

We need your help to stop this runaway train that are the Wireless Communication Monsters from generating ever increasing levels of microwave energy into our bodies and our living planet!

Or is it to God then, to whom we must turn...?

Michele Charest

Informant: Martin Weatherall


The precautionary principle

"Taking a precautionary approach, using this principle of precaution, reverses the way we should do things. It tells us to ?stop? until we have the evidence, and not to stop when we have the evidence. "

"Taking a precautionary approach means picking up the phone right now and asking politely to remove that antennae."

[Politely?? Ha? Get real.. It's an unrecognized language. Try and see for yourself the results]

From Henrik Eiriksson: This one, by a Maltese doctor, is well worth the read:

Informant: Iris Atzmon


Radiated by mobile phone mast



Mobile phone cancer danger


Informant: emfrefugee(at)gmail.com

Dear Libby, For people so in love with cell phone technology, the above video has some very graphic images of human heads with incisions following brain surgery / tumour removal. The tumour victims are young people! One of the person s tumour is growing back. Heavy use of cell phones is categorized as 1/2 hour a day (that is not very much) for ten years. How many Canadians have already reached this benchmark in usage and time?

People who don t believe that there is any danger are encouraged to read their cell phone manuals from front to back in its entirety. Why? Because therein you will find the hidden caution (somewhere that is not really obvious) that the telecommunications industry does not really want you to know about the dangers of radio frequency radiation. This caution has been put there in the event of a health consequence to you, such as a brain tumour, so that they can say that they have done due diligence in informing you in order to avoid being sued.

To me, due diligence would mean putting a caution right on the phone itself, having a warning message come up every time the phone was turned on, consumers being told at the point of purchase about the dangers of RF radiation and the caution about RF radiation being printed on the front page of the manual in large red font (and not hidden in obscurity somewhere in the middle of the manual in a tiny font). Further a message must come from our Canadian Government in the main stream media so that there is credibility to this warning that cell phones should never be placed right on the head, that headphones should be used, that texting is preferable, that cell phones usually be put on flight mode (or even better turned off) with messages checked from time to time, that children under the age of 16 should not be allowed to own/use a cellphone except in an emergency, that cellphones should not be kept right on the body (such as in pockets, belts, bras), and that speaking on the phone should be on a speaker phone with strict limits on the time for all other usage.

How much does brain surgery cost? http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_is_the_cost_of_brain_surgery . Depending on complications, brain surgery could cost maybe as much as $750,000. Will the Canadian health care system be able to afford this expense? That would mean that Canadian citizens will have to pay health care costs in increased personal taxation due to the negligence of the telecommunications industry in clearly informing the public about the hazards of their product. Perhaps, we should we begin to enrol cell phone users in a class action suite to help cover their future health care costs. I am sure that there are lawyers who would be interested in this, for sure.

I am hoping that the NDP will bring this very critical issue forward into the House of Commons.

Best Regards, Janice

Please forward


Bürgerwelle News



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