



Canada TV caught out passing off industry spin as an investigative report


More on CTV s supposedly independent reporting: Bell Canada bought 100 percent of CTV Inc. for $1.3 billion in 2010



CTV Fails its Viewers

A recent CTV Vancouver news story by reporter Jon Woodward, provided very wong information about the strength and safety of Wi Fi systems in schools. The report gives the impression that it is safe to use Wi Fi around children, yet ignores the scientific evidence which suggests otherwise. Here are some comments and links which detail the situation:


Conflict of interest?

So from Jon Woodward s reply letter (form letter to everyone), he said that he consulted sources at UBC (who?) and equipment manufacturers (who?), and those people highly recommended Karl Reardon. After Karl Reardon finished his testing, Jon took the results and went back to UBC expert (was it the same person who recommended Reardon in the first place?) to verify the results, and the UBC expert approved those results.

This is the UBC expert:

CTV's UBC expert Prof. Dave Michelson

- In 2010, Prof. Michelson applied for and successfully received a position as Chair of Academic Advisory Panel for Wavefront Wireless Commercialization Centre (WWCC). The mission of the WWCC project is ''accelerating wireless innovation & commercialization for Canada''.


- The $22.6 Million was partially from federal government and partially from industry partners including ''Sierra Wireless, Ericsson, Nokia, Orange and others''.


Wavefront to Open National Centre of Excellence for Wireless Commercialization

Posted by Rob Lewis on 2010-12-06 10:34:00 AM

Vancouver s Wavefront announced this morning that they will be launching a new national Centre of Excellence for Commercialization and Research (CECR) for wireless technologies in partnership with the Government of Canada.

Beginning in 2011 and over the next five years, the new Wavefront Wireless Commercialization Centre (WWCC) will receive $11.6 Million in federal funding through the Networks of Centres of Excellence (NCE) Program in addition to $11 Million in cash and in-kind support that Wavefront?s partners in industry, academia and government have pledged to date.

The WWCC will have a national focus, driving the growth of Canadian wireless companies, enhancing their global competitiveness and productivity, and creating high value technology and jobs.

Industry partners include Sierra Wireless, Ericsson, Nokia, Orange and others who have committed funds and resources to the WWCC. In addition, 27 leading Canadian universities from coast to coast will be partnering with the WWCC.

Regular Techvibes readers will recognize the Wavefront name as we have been published a weekly feature called Wavefront Wireless Wednesday since September.

So from Jon Woodward s reply letter (form letter to everyone), he said that he consulted sources at UBC (who?) and equipment manufacturers (who?), and those people highly recommended Karl Reardon. After Karl Reardon finished his testing, Jon took the results and went back to UBC expert (was it the same person who recommended Reardon in the first place?) to verify the results, and the UBC expert approved those results.

Prof. Michelson is a Director on the Board of Wavefront. This board ''represents all facets of the wireless and new media community (entrepreneurs, operators, device manufacturers, venture capital firms, small businesses to large enterprise companies).'' Bios of the directors available at the link below.

About Wavefront http://www.wavefrontac.com/about/
Board members: http://www.wavefrontac.com/about/the-board/

Do you see any conflict of interest?


(1) What does he mean by ''The policy recommendation of the B.C. Confederation of Parent Advisory Councils was worth examining''? BCCPAC has studied WiFi for THREE YEARS, and how much time has Jon devoted to this research?
And he assumes that BCCPAC parents did not have any idea about radiation level before recommending or passing the resolution?

(2) ''debate is often presented to the lay public without regard to the actual use of the technology in the schools in Vancouver at this time.'' Completely wrong. We were particularly concerned about the nearfiend/contact-level radiation exposure to the children, but that was specifically NOT measurement by the engineer, even tho' the segment showed students working on ipads on their laps. Peak levels were also not reported. They only reported ''average'' measurements.

(3) The parents whom he had arranged to be interviewed would have given him many quotes about why Wi-Fi should not be used. Instead, these interviews were slashed and replaced by pro-WiFi principal, Grade 9 students and wireless-industry-affiliated ''experts''.

''We can work on the same Google Document, and without the Wi-Fi that would not be possible,'' said the Grade 9 student.
Do they even know that they can do the same thing with wired computers?!

Wi-Fi danger in schools overblown: CTV investigation

B.C. school districts divided on future of Wi-Fi

CTV News is being sued by a charitable organization for another biased or fabricated ''investigation'' aired in Dec 2011.



Compare the WI Fi testing in two schools



Who can be trusted?

Here is an example of an expert The X Chief Health Officer for Vancouver, John Blatherwick, that advises the likes of BC Hydro,
when he made a statement on CKNW radio that EMF from cell phones etc. dose not penetrate the skin and I confronted him by E Mail, this was his answer to me.

Robert R

----- Original Message -----

From: John Blatherwick
To: Robert Riedlinger
Sent: Wednesday, November 09, 2011 8:11 PM
Subject: Cancer in British Columbia

I accepted some information from a trusted friend who is a physicist but when I challenged him, he told me that he was wrong. Which then makes me wrong. So I apologize, the information I had was wrong. I fall on my sword.


Childrens Safety not a concern for these School Board Trustees

Trustee Julie Austin proposed striking a district committee to research the health effects and role of WiFi in schools. She was concerned about possible health effects of radio-frequency electromagnetic fields emitted from wireless technology.

Her proposal was defeated.


It would appear that these people are not competent to be on a School Board.

Mysterious ailments linked to smart meters?

One day I was sitting in my living room and I started getting these intense chest pains," says Rita Field, who lives in Prescott. The apartment she shares with her dog is only ten feet away from a wall of APS electrical meters. ''My neighbor said I bet you are affected by those smart meters and I said smart meters what s that?''



Bell Mischief?

On June 26, 2012, the SAME day that CTV s biased Wi-Fi story was aired, WiFi Broadband Alliance announced that Bell Canada (the owner of CTV) just joined them as a new member. What a timely coincidence!


EMR causing Hypoxia of the blood

I have recently read of a science project of high school students in Germany. They tested how blood reacts to radiation of cell phones. The result is Hypoxia of the blood (blood gets sticky, cells clump together and oxygen starvation sets in).

They also tested students standing 6 ft away from the cell phone user (only 20 seconds exposure) and remarkably, also their blood showed the same reaction of Hypoxia. The participating students received a science award for their project.

Would it not make sense to have similar science experiments in Canadian schools regarding Wi-Fi?

Since Michelle has done a video, exposing the radiation coming from an i-pad, I could imagine that a video made by a students as a science project would make quite a splash, shaming CTV and Bell.

They could do the practical tests of computers and i-pads and learn investigative journalism by establishing contact with scientists like Dr. Havas, Dr. Trower etc. and trace the industry connection of 'experts' such as Karl Reardon.

How embarrassing that would be for CTV/Bell when children out-science the 'experts', and show CTV, how real journalism is conducted.

Why can schools not take this issues into their own hands and investigate, test and research on their own? The tools and information is readily available for anyone.

This text is in German. http://www.maes.de/7%20HANDYS/maes.de%20HANDY%20GELDROLLEN.PDF

This text is in English, not the from students but from scientists.


Dr. Havas has a similar excellent piece on her own website.

Marcus / Sharon

Dr. Havas Blood test EMF


German Blood Test EMF



Informant: Martin Weatherall


Mission house fire started around meter


Informant: Robert Riedlinger


Rachel Durfee: 'Smart' water meters not proven to be safe

Capital Times

I am concerned about adding yet another source of radio frequency radiation/electro and magnetic fields (EMF). I have several friends with severe health problems associated with EMF. The City Council has just approved smart water meters for...



Public Service Agency Report Recommends Smart Meter Opt Out Option


Opponents say the meters create an electromagnetic field (EMF), and EMF exposure is being investigated as a carcinogen by the World Health Organization (WHO). In addition, the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health has established safety...



Opt-out program for PG&E SmartMeters: OpEd

Sonoma County Gazette

These banks of meters constitute a wall of Electro Magnetic Frequency (EMF) fields on each building and are adjacent to someone s bedroom in each building. Installing SmartMeters will increase the EMFs throughout the entire complex to an alarming...


More about the theme:


Bürgerwelle News



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