
Avoiding exposure to electromagnetic radiation is a human rights issue

Forwarded from our colleague, Dr. Diane Schou, who is EHS and lives relatively safely in Green Bank, West Virginia, USA.

PBS will broadcast about Green Bank, WV - TOMORROW, Tuesday, September 13, 2011, in the evening, during the BBC s 'World News America'.

I was told the program ends with 'Niki' stating about she did not either know about or believe electromagnetic radiation sensitivity until she got it. It is about Green Bank. I do know something about me is on it. I hope it is good and will help in the health of many people, especially those who are not aware of it.

Diane Schou (skow)
PO Box 99
Green Bank, WV 24944-0099 U.S.A.
(304) 456-5558
fax: (855) 558-5888

Avoiding exposure to electromagnetic radiation is a human rights issue of immense proportions. Many people disabled by electromagnetic radiation overexposure (poisoning) are being forced to leave their homes, their businesses, sometimes their families and abandon their careers, their possessions (a great financial loss), their goals, their futures, to seek refuge avoiding electromagnetic radiation.

Elizabeth Kelley, MHA
Director, Electromagnetic Safety Alliance, Inc.
Co-Coordinator, Arizonans for Safer Utility Infrastructure
Tucson, Arizona, USA


'Wi-fi refugees' shelter in West Virginia mountains

BBC News

Diane Schou is unable to hold back the tears as she describes how she once lived in a shielded cage to protect her from the electromagnetic radiation caused by waves from wireless communication. 'It's a horrible thing to have to be a prisoner," she...



BBC segment on electromagnetic sensitivity to air on PBS 9/13

Planet Thrive

Arthur Firstenberg of the Cellular Phone Task Force has alerted us to BBC s World News America segment about electromagnetic sensitivity, to be aired on PBS stations Tuesday evening, September 13. The piece was filmed in Green Bank, West Virginia,...



BBC America - Today - EHS in Green Bank WV



'Technological lepers' seek refuge in mountains of West Virginia


But for some Americans they believe continuous electromagnetic radiation is making them physically ill. It has been estimated that as much as five percent of all Americans believe they suffer from Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS)...



West Virginia Becomes Center of Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity Debate


And even though the World Health Organization says the symptoms are genuine, it also notes, 'EHS has no clear diagnostic criteria and there is no scientific basis to link EHS symptoms to EMF (electromagnetic field) exposure...



West Virginia town touts itself as haven for people seeking relief from wireless devices

New York Daily News

For Diane Schou, it s almost heaven: A place where she s free from the electromagnetic fields that she believes caused a variety of physical ailments. 'It's a horrible thing to have to be a prisoner," Schou told the BBC News about her Electromagnetic...



'Wi-Fi Refugees' Are Moving To West Virginia To Escape Radio Waves

NPR (blog)

The zone, as Wired has reported, is 'nearly free of electromagnetic pollution' because of regulations put in place decades ago. Those restrictions aim to keep other electromagnetic signals from interfering with the telescope's work...



'Allergic' to Wi-Fi? Move to West Virginia

CNET (blog)

Green Bank may sound like geek hell, but it s heaven for people who believe electromagnetic radiation makes them sick. The BBC chatted with a couple of these refugees from technology and they described symptoms ranging from physical pain to fatigue...



WIFI causes headaches, chronic pain for some

Public Radio International PRI

A range of symptoms that sufferers of electromagnetic hypersensitivity feel include acute headaches, skin irritation and chronic pain.

Story by The Takeaway

For some Americans, WIFI is...



People Claiming to be Physically Sick of Wi-fi Take Shelter in Green Bank

Town International Business Times (press release)

She believes her illness was triggered by emissions from a mobile phone mast. 'My face turns red, I get a headache, my vision changes, and it hurts to think. Last time [I was exposed] I started getting chest pains - and to me that's becoming...



WiFi Giving You a Rash? Move to West Virginia

Discover Magazine (blog)

A whopping five percent of Americans believe they have got something called electromagnetic hypersensitivity - aka, a physical reaction to electromagnetic radiation from common devices like TV, phones, and routers. For most of us, that kind of thing falls...



Allergic to radio signals: Sufferers flee to West Virginia 'quiet zone'



Posted By prd34 to The Microwave Factor


Russian Television reports on Electromagnetic Radiation Refugees in USA


In West Virginia, some residents consciously abandoned some of the achievements of civilization

Some Americans do not use cell phones, computers, microwave ovens and. People claim that electromagnetic waves seriously affect their health. This disease - some experts have called hypersensitivity to any radiation. But at the official level, it is still not recognized. Where not all the fruits of civilization are good - been there.

The zone of radio silence, where within a radius of several tens of kilometers there is no mobile telephone and you will not find any establishments with Wi-Fi connection, has been established for the smooth operation of the unique radio telescope. However, over time it began to settle around people who are forced to flee from our world permeated by electromagnetic waves, because otherwise they will not survive.

Six years ago, Diana was a normal family, and no major concerns about health. She became ill a few months after near their home in Iowa has established mobile phone company tower. Started nagging headaches and swelling of the eye. One of her many instruments recording the radiation keeps track of radio disturbances in the old house. Now all around is pure, but is to include a mobile phone on the oscilloscope immediately visible races.

'For me it is very important - to show something that is not visible. I do not use these devices to figure out where to me safely, and where not, because I instantly feel where I can not be found' - said Diane Skou.

Diane s husband continues to work where they lived before, and only visits his wife in a new house in which they will ever encounter a tranquil old age, unless, of course, this does not penetrate stopped by astronomers a radio wave of civilization. But as long as the person you can call only at home or work phone. A drive up to a huge telescope on diesel-powered vehicles, because a spark from the spark plugs also cause interference.

'We had to build a huge antenna with a diameter of 100 meters to catch even the weakest signals from different objects in the universe. And all the radiators, TV stations, mobile phones and even power lines emit radio waves in the millions and millions of times greater than the strength of signals for which we hunt' - says fellow National Radio Astronomy Observatory Felix Lokmen.

Science Lab is located in a special shielded room where the windows several layers of wire mesh and special insulating case for most conventional microwave oven.

In the house of Charlie and Michelle do not have such a long time the stove, they even have a refrigerator works on gas, before entering the room, the hostess with a long stick off a special light, because otherwise starts a sharp pain in my ears. Michelle, like Diana, is almost never recognized by physicians disease - Hypersensitivity to electromagnetic and radio emission. It may not be in range of mobile or near wi-fi transmitter. She had become a recluse, getting used to life without a computer, television and even your favorite player

'For five years I did not go to restaurants, do not drive a car, because it also creates an electromagnetic field, I can not walk in your community with a dog and I had forgotten what a shopping' - says Michelle Bubnis.

Michelle wakes up at dawn and at dusk falls, as did our ancestors lived by candlelight. Their new house near the observatory planned so that all appliances are in a separate wing, which comes only head of the family.

'It s a place where I see cable TV, working at the computer. Often Michelle gives me a job that found on the Internet, and then I print it and attribute it to the result,' - says Charles Bubnis.

Charles said that would never have believed in the existence of such a disease, if not in the dense ran into her own. Now he and other victims of the ubiquitous radio struggles for official recognition of the disease, which afflicts his wife, and the creation of special areas in America, people can live without fear, that someday will again have to become refugees.

Informant: Martin Weatherall


Allergic to radio signals: Sufferers flee to West Virginia 'quiet zone'


Informant: Iris Atzmon


Radio smog

Aljazeera.com (blog)

''Radiation poisoning'' is a phrase that s common amongst people trying to describe how they feel physiologically affected by the electromagnetic rays. Jennifer says living in the NRQZ means she has recovered from her symptoms sufficiently to allow her...


Escaping the radio smog


She says moving into the NRQZ from her previous location in Iowa, where she lived near a mobile phone mast, has helped to ease many of her symptoms and...



Ailing US people find refuge from radio waves


Informant: Mark G.


Escaping the radio smog

Inland Empire News

What do you do if you are one of those people whose health is affected by all those radio waves buzzing around our heads from mobile phone masts,...


More about the theme:


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