Clinical and biological description of the electromagnetic field intolerance syndrome (EMFIS)
Presentation of Prof. Dominique Belpomme at 8th National Congress on Electrosmog, Berne, 2011
Prof. Belpomme is Professor of Clinical Oncology, University Paris-Descartes. He practices medical Oncology and Environmental Medicine at the Alleray-Labrouste Clinic (Paris). He is also president of ARTAC (Association for Research and Treatment against Cancer) and Chairman of ISDE-France (International Society of Doctors for Environment).
Clinical and biological description of the electromagnetic field intolerance syndrome (EMFIS)
Between May 2008 and March 2010, 425 patients reporting hypersensitivity to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) were examined in a clinical and biological setting. Ninety-five per cent of them clearly reported the repeated occurrence and disappearance of symptoms linked to the presence or absence of EMFs. Three clinical phases were distinguished: an initial stage during which EMF exposure can induce headaches, a sensation of heating in the ear and other parts of the body, especially the upper part of the body, tinnitus, ocular abnormalities, myalgia, and, in some cases, dermatitis and symptoms such as chest tightness, palpitations, tachycardia and nausea. A second phase is characterized by insomnia, chronic fatigue and depressive tendencies, attention deficit, troubles with concentration, immediate memory loss, behavioral problems, and anxiety, during which the initial symptoms may occur every time the patient is exposed to EMF sources.
In addition to the detection of brain vascular hypo-perfusion (decreased blood flow in certain areas of the brain), predominantly in the limbic area, blood tests revealed increased histamine levels in 36% of patients, an increase in heat shock proteins in 45%, a decreased level of melatonin in 33%, and vitamin D deficiency in 70% of patients.
Specific observations and tests were also included, proving that cerebral suffering was due to EMFs. There is a third phase, suggesting that an EMF intolerance syndrome may correspond to a pre-Alzheimer?s disease state. In a recent interview (September 2010), Pr Belpomme stated that 'there is an important link between electromagnetic fields and neuro-degenerative diseases, notably Alzheimer s. The risk of Alzheimer s, which can arise in young persons from age 45, is moreover much more important than the risk of cancer.' The therapy for treating persons suffering from EMFIS includes prescription of omega 3 s, anti-oxidants, vitamin D, and anti-histamines.
Excerpts from Metro-France interview with Prof. Dominique Belpomme, President, ARTAC, September 2010
There is a proven link between electromagnetic fields, cancer and leukemia. We (ARTAC and our Swedish colleagues) also studied an important link to neuro-degenerative diseases, notably Alzheimer s. The risk of Alzheimer s, which can appear in young persons from age 45, is much greater than the cancer risk.
Since last year, in my consultations in environmental medicine, I have been seeing between 10-20 sick persons every week. More and more parents are coming to see me for their children who have headaches, memory, concentration and language problems, and dyslexia.
This is a major public health risk. There is a neuro-generative pathology probably linked to the opening of the blood-brain barrier through EM waves and/or toxic substances. These troubles can be minor, such as headaches, or much more serious such as the beginning of Alzheimer s.
Based on the more than 400 persons who have consulted me, we have established a diagnostic test which rests essentially on a cerebral pulsed echodoppler technique and on blood tests. These permit us to see evidence of an increase in certain stress proteins which translate into the existence of brain pathology.
We have established treatment to make these symptoms regress, however this does not prevent a recurrence. Thus, there is the necessity of adding protective measures to this treatment: creation of 'white zones', notably in public establishments and in public transport. We must do as for smoking: forbid Wi-Fi in certain zones, as in libraries. We must forbid installation of relay antennas near nurseries and schools. These are urgent protective measures to be taken, but are unfortunately not being applied.
My discourse goes against financial and economic interests, but one should not sacrifice the well-being of these sick persons for the interests of political and public authorities.
A major public health risk exists. Studies show that from 10 to 50% of the population could be affected by intolerance to EM fields in the next 25-50 years. We will have to pay the consequences if we do not take precautionary and preventive measures now.
There are many doctors who do not recognize this pathology and thus, deny the evidence. But a growing number understand that something is happening and refer sick persons to me. It is they whom we should rely on and that is why I am organizing in April 2011, the Third Colloquium of the Paris Appeal at UNESCO, which will be followed by an intensive course to train professionals in environmental pathologies.
(Note: 300 doctors, researchers and health professionals attended the Colloquium on 'Children's Health and the Environment' and 43 doctors and health professionals followed the course in environmental medicine.)
Young cancer survivor determined to help others
Niagara Falls Review
Surgeons were able to remove at least half of the tumour. When she woke from surgery, Kelsey was on a breathing tube and unable to speak. She made hand signals to her mother, who quickly realize she was asking for her cell phone. ...
Towering concern
Standard Freeholder
Citing European studies, Marshall said he is concerned that radio frequency waves emitted from the tower may cause diseases such as cancer. But according to Health Canada, radio frequency energy from cell phone towers is too low to cause adverse health ...
Public Meeting regarding WiFi in Schools ?
Please share this email with parents, teachers, trustees, government officials, doctors, the media and others interested in the issue of WiFi in Schools.
The Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board is having a public meeting regarding WiFi in schools but only a few select individuals are allowed to present. The list is provided at the end of this email.
Individuals who oppose WiFi installations in favor of wired installations are not allowed to present.
I asked to be a presenter but was not given permission despite the fact that new information from various organizations has been recently made available and that I have scientific expertise regarding the health effects of radio frequency radiation. I was told this is not a debate.
The School Board approved having WiFi installed in all KPRD schools earlier this year, despite the fact that parents and others presented evidence that this form of radiation may not be safe and that it was better to be safe than sorry and to err on the side of caution. Medical Doctors, David Carpenter and Stephen Sinatra, wrote to the school board stating this radiation was not safe.
A recent (May 31, 2011) World Health Organization reclassification of radio frequency electromagnetic fields (which includes WiFi radiation) as a 'possible human carcinogen' is being ignored.
The recent recommendations by the Parliamentary Assembly Council of Europe (Canada has observer status) that 'for children in general, and particularly in schools and classrooms, give preference to wired Internet connections, and strictly regulate the use of mobile phones by schoolchildren on school premises;' is being ignored.
Studies at Queen's University and elsewhere, which show that this radiation (from cell phone and wireless computers) affects sperm quality and may adversely affect reproduction, is being ignored.
Parents are silenced. Trustees are not returning calls. Teachers have been disciplined for questioning school board policy. Teachers who are sensitive to this radiation fear that they will not be able to continue teaching once the WiFi radiation is activated.
We asked that wired internet access be made available (indeed this is already present at many schools). But this request has been ignored.
If WiFi is installed we asked that the system be designed so that the WiFi routers can be turned off when not in use; that WiFi-free areas be established in schools; and that students-whose parents do not want them exposed-be allowed to use wired computers for internet access. While this would not eliminate their exposure it would reduce it since the highest levels of radiation are near the computers. We have yet to hear if any of these recommendations are being seriously considered.
We are told that the level of radiation from WiFi in classrooms is so low it cant possibly have any health effects. Yet, levels of radiation at a school in Collingwood exceeded the Safety Code 6 Guidelines in one classroom nearest the computer! Clearly those making such statements about how low levels are and that they cant possibly have biological effects are unfamiliar with the research.
As I scientist, who knows how harmful this radiation is, it is impossible for me to remain silent. If it weren t for the children, I would walk away from this, allow the school board to install WiFi and then document the changes over time. Some children will remain unaffected but some will become ill immediately and others will become ill over a period of time. How many will develop cancer and have reproductive problems only time will tell. The same will happen to teachers. The question is no longer 'if this will happen' but rather 'how many will be affected and how quickly'.
No University Ethic Board in North America would grant permission for this type of research (i.e. to expose children, grades K to 12, to low level microwave radiation for hours each day for 13 years and to study the biological effects). And while schools and libraries in other parts of the world are removing WiFi, the KPRD School Board is going ahead with this experiment despite International Authorities recommending otherwise!
We exposed children to lead, to asbestos, to DDT, to second hand smoke before we realized this exposure was harmful. Now toys from China with lead paint are returned and make headline news! Yet we are willing to expose children to microwave radiation in the classroom AFTER we are told this radiation is unsafe at levels below existing federal and international guidelines. This is willful ignorance and has legal implications.
Please come to this meeting. Please challenge the decision to expose students in the KPRDSB to microwave radiation for 1200 hours each and every year. Please, if we dont speak out on their behalf . . . who will?
Dr. Magda Havas, B.Sc. Ph.D. Environmental & Resource Studies, Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario, Canada, K9J 7B8
phone: 705 748-1011 x 7882
fax: 705 748-1569
mhavas(at) (general) (academic)
June 10, 2011
Ms. Lloyd,
Thank you for sending me this list of presenters at the School Board meeting on June 27th at 7pm at the School Board meeting at Queen Mary Public School in Peterborough.
I will remind you that you have heard from Dr. Wortis before at your Board meetings, so it is odd that you would allow her to speak and not me.
I would also like to inform you that neither Dr. Wortis nor Dr. Shiell are experts on the biological effects of this radiation and I sincerely hope that their contribution will relate to their own area of expertise and not on the biological or health effects.
I will share this list with others. It would be useful if you informed the Peterborough Examiner and others who are interested in attending regarding this list of presenters.
Magda Havas
p.s. It is easy to prevent a debate if everyone invited to speak has the same opinion. However, that does not ensure that the opinions expressed are correct or representative. Attempts at silencing those with opposing views seldom works in the end. It simply identifies those among us who fear challenge and shun the truth.
On Jun 10, 2011, at 9:25 AM, Diane Lloyd wrote:
Dr. Havas, here is the list of presenters that you asked for.
Dr. Rosana Pellizzari, Medical Officer of Health, Peterborough County-City Health Unit
Dr. Rachel Wortis, Associate Professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy at Trent University
Dr. Ralph Shiell, Associate Professor , Department of Physics and Astronomy at Trent University
Ron Plaizier, Chief Information Officer, Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board
James Rielly, Principal, Crestwood Secondary School, Peterborough
John Goheen, Principal, Percy Centennial Public School, Warkworth
Diane Chairperson - Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board
'Cell Phone use should be banned in children under 12 years of age'
Interview with Prof. D. Belpomme - L?EXPRESS France ? 1 June 2011
The World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes that the use of cell phones is 'possibly carcinogenic'. A precaution that is insufficient for Dominique Belpomme, President of the Association for Research and Treatment Against Cancer (ARTAC). Cancer specialists at WHO consider that cell phones should be included in the list of products designated as 'possibly carcinognenic'. What do you think of this classification?
It is a decision which goes in the right direction, but not far enough. For now, the risk is 'possible' according to WHO. The electromagnetic waves emitted by cell phones are classified in the 2b category when they merit a 2a classification (probably carcinogenic), after this, very rapidly, a 1 (carcinognenic), equivalent to a 'true' risk.
In addition, specialists from WHO did not talk to patients: they compiled the results of previous studies. But now, we are realizing that cancer is only the tip of the iceberg concerning risks related to use of cell phones.
Exposure to mobile devices and their waves is clearly responsible for other diseases, including Alzheimers ? as ARTAC affirms from diverse studies. For 18 months, our association has been working to demonstrate the relationship between cause and effect of cell phone waves and Alzheimers. Not recognizing this shows lack of respect for patients who are suffering and looking for answers.
In order to limit risks, WHO has issued recommendations (use of headsets, sending SMS ?). What do you think about these ?
Headsets are not inoffensive: they can in fact play the role of an antenna and thus serve as a receptor for electromagnetic fields. The WHO recommendation is like a cigarette filter: it holds back a bit of smoke but does not prevent cancer.
What do you recommend ?
We must apply the principle of precaution because we are facing an irreversible risk. Glioma-type cancers (brain cancer) are very dangerous and difficult to treat.
Another recommendation: strictly regulate cell phones. Their use should be banned in children under 12 years of age, who are most exposed to the risk of developing cancers, as well as for pregnant women.
Concerning other categories of users, one should limit use of cell phones to 20 minutes per day, with individual calls lasting 6 minutes maximum. This advice is moreover written in the instruction notices of certain operators. The best recommendation remains use of wired (fixed) phones.
The warning by WHO goes even further than preceding studies published about this issue ?
That s true. For the first time, a group of French experts is opposing the decisions and announcements of government health safety agencies. AFSSET (Agence national de sécurité sanitaire), for example, has always refused to recognize the consequences of electromagnetic fields on the function of the human body. This could change, thanks to this advance by WHO.
(Article translated into English by Meris Michaels)
Original article in French: Téléphones portables et cancer: 'Ils doivent être interdits aux ...
Informant: Martin Weatherall
More about the theme:
Prof. Belpomme is Professor of Clinical Oncology, University Paris-Descartes. He practices medical Oncology and Environmental Medicine at the Alleray-Labrouste Clinic (Paris). He is also president of ARTAC (Association for Research and Treatment against Cancer) and Chairman of ISDE-France (International Society of Doctors for Environment).
Clinical and biological description of the electromagnetic field intolerance syndrome (EMFIS)
Between May 2008 and March 2010, 425 patients reporting hypersensitivity to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) were examined in a clinical and biological setting. Ninety-five per cent of them clearly reported the repeated occurrence and disappearance of symptoms linked to the presence or absence of EMFs. Three clinical phases were distinguished: an initial stage during which EMF exposure can induce headaches, a sensation of heating in the ear and other parts of the body, especially the upper part of the body, tinnitus, ocular abnormalities, myalgia, and, in some cases, dermatitis and symptoms such as chest tightness, palpitations, tachycardia and nausea. A second phase is characterized by insomnia, chronic fatigue and depressive tendencies, attention deficit, troubles with concentration, immediate memory loss, behavioral problems, and anxiety, during which the initial symptoms may occur every time the patient is exposed to EMF sources.
In addition to the detection of brain vascular hypo-perfusion (decreased blood flow in certain areas of the brain), predominantly in the limbic area, blood tests revealed increased histamine levels in 36% of patients, an increase in heat shock proteins in 45%, a decreased level of melatonin in 33%, and vitamin D deficiency in 70% of patients.
Specific observations and tests were also included, proving that cerebral suffering was due to EMFs. There is a third phase, suggesting that an EMF intolerance syndrome may correspond to a pre-Alzheimer?s disease state. In a recent interview (September 2010), Pr Belpomme stated that 'there is an important link between electromagnetic fields and neuro-degenerative diseases, notably Alzheimer s. The risk of Alzheimer s, which can arise in young persons from age 45, is moreover much more important than the risk of cancer.' The therapy for treating persons suffering from EMFIS includes prescription of omega 3 s, anti-oxidants, vitamin D, and anti-histamines.
Excerpts from Metro-France interview with Prof. Dominique Belpomme, President, ARTAC, September 2010
There is a proven link between electromagnetic fields, cancer and leukemia. We (ARTAC and our Swedish colleagues) also studied an important link to neuro-degenerative diseases, notably Alzheimer s. The risk of Alzheimer s, which can appear in young persons from age 45, is much greater than the cancer risk.
Since last year, in my consultations in environmental medicine, I have been seeing between 10-20 sick persons every week. More and more parents are coming to see me for their children who have headaches, memory, concentration and language problems, and dyslexia.
This is a major public health risk. There is a neuro-generative pathology probably linked to the opening of the blood-brain barrier through EM waves and/or toxic substances. These troubles can be minor, such as headaches, or much more serious such as the beginning of Alzheimer s.
Based on the more than 400 persons who have consulted me, we have established a diagnostic test which rests essentially on a cerebral pulsed echodoppler technique and on blood tests. These permit us to see evidence of an increase in certain stress proteins which translate into the existence of brain pathology.
We have established treatment to make these symptoms regress, however this does not prevent a recurrence. Thus, there is the necessity of adding protective measures to this treatment: creation of 'white zones', notably in public establishments and in public transport. We must do as for smoking: forbid Wi-Fi in certain zones, as in libraries. We must forbid installation of relay antennas near nurseries and schools. These are urgent protective measures to be taken, but are unfortunately not being applied.
My discourse goes against financial and economic interests, but one should not sacrifice the well-being of these sick persons for the interests of political and public authorities.
A major public health risk exists. Studies show that from 10 to 50% of the population could be affected by intolerance to EM fields in the next 25-50 years. We will have to pay the consequences if we do not take precautionary and preventive measures now.
There are many doctors who do not recognize this pathology and thus, deny the evidence. But a growing number understand that something is happening and refer sick persons to me. It is they whom we should rely on and that is why I am organizing in April 2011, the Third Colloquium of the Paris Appeal at UNESCO, which will be followed by an intensive course to train professionals in environmental pathologies.
(Note: 300 doctors, researchers and health professionals attended the Colloquium on 'Children's Health and the Environment' and 43 doctors and health professionals followed the course in environmental medicine.)
Young cancer survivor determined to help others
Niagara Falls Review
Surgeons were able to remove at least half of the tumour. When she woke from surgery, Kelsey was on a breathing tube and unable to speak. She made hand signals to her mother, who quickly realize she was asking for her cell phone. ...
Towering concern
Standard Freeholder
Citing European studies, Marshall said he is concerned that radio frequency waves emitted from the tower may cause diseases such as cancer. But according to Health Canada, radio frequency energy from cell phone towers is too low to cause adverse health ...
Public Meeting regarding WiFi in Schools ?
Please share this email with parents, teachers, trustees, government officials, doctors, the media and others interested in the issue of WiFi in Schools.
The Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board is having a public meeting regarding WiFi in schools but only a few select individuals are allowed to present. The list is provided at the end of this email.
Individuals who oppose WiFi installations in favor of wired installations are not allowed to present.
I asked to be a presenter but was not given permission despite the fact that new information from various organizations has been recently made available and that I have scientific expertise regarding the health effects of radio frequency radiation. I was told this is not a debate.
The School Board approved having WiFi installed in all KPRD schools earlier this year, despite the fact that parents and others presented evidence that this form of radiation may not be safe and that it was better to be safe than sorry and to err on the side of caution. Medical Doctors, David Carpenter and Stephen Sinatra, wrote to the school board stating this radiation was not safe.
A recent (May 31, 2011) World Health Organization reclassification of radio frequency electromagnetic fields (which includes WiFi radiation) as a 'possible human carcinogen' is being ignored.
The recent recommendations by the Parliamentary Assembly Council of Europe (Canada has observer status) that 'for children in general, and particularly in schools and classrooms, give preference to wired Internet connections, and strictly regulate the use of mobile phones by schoolchildren on school premises;' is being ignored.
Studies at Queen's University and elsewhere, which show that this radiation (from cell phone and wireless computers) affects sperm quality and may adversely affect reproduction, is being ignored.
Parents are silenced. Trustees are not returning calls. Teachers have been disciplined for questioning school board policy. Teachers who are sensitive to this radiation fear that they will not be able to continue teaching once the WiFi radiation is activated.
We asked that wired internet access be made available (indeed this is already present at many schools). But this request has been ignored.
If WiFi is installed we asked that the system be designed so that the WiFi routers can be turned off when not in use; that WiFi-free areas be established in schools; and that students-whose parents do not want them exposed-be allowed to use wired computers for internet access. While this would not eliminate their exposure it would reduce it since the highest levels of radiation are near the computers. We have yet to hear if any of these recommendations are being seriously considered.
We are told that the level of radiation from WiFi in classrooms is so low it cant possibly have any health effects. Yet, levels of radiation at a school in Collingwood exceeded the Safety Code 6 Guidelines in one classroom nearest the computer! Clearly those making such statements about how low levels are and that they cant possibly have biological effects are unfamiliar with the research.
As I scientist, who knows how harmful this radiation is, it is impossible for me to remain silent. If it weren t for the children, I would walk away from this, allow the school board to install WiFi and then document the changes over time. Some children will remain unaffected but some will become ill immediately and others will become ill over a period of time. How many will develop cancer and have reproductive problems only time will tell. The same will happen to teachers. The question is no longer 'if this will happen' but rather 'how many will be affected and how quickly'.
No University Ethic Board in North America would grant permission for this type of research (i.e. to expose children, grades K to 12, to low level microwave radiation for hours each day for 13 years and to study the biological effects). And while schools and libraries in other parts of the world are removing WiFi, the KPRD School Board is going ahead with this experiment despite International Authorities recommending otherwise!
We exposed children to lead, to asbestos, to DDT, to second hand smoke before we realized this exposure was harmful. Now toys from China with lead paint are returned and make headline news! Yet we are willing to expose children to microwave radiation in the classroom AFTER we are told this radiation is unsafe at levels below existing federal and international guidelines. This is willful ignorance and has legal implications.
Please come to this meeting. Please challenge the decision to expose students in the KPRDSB to microwave radiation for 1200 hours each and every year. Please, if we dont speak out on their behalf . . . who will?
Dr. Magda Havas, B.Sc. Ph.D. Environmental & Resource Studies, Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario, Canada, K9J 7B8
phone: 705 748-1011 x 7882
fax: 705 748-1569
mhavas(at) (general) (academic)
June 10, 2011
Ms. Lloyd,
Thank you for sending me this list of presenters at the School Board meeting on June 27th at 7pm at the School Board meeting at Queen Mary Public School in Peterborough.
I will remind you that you have heard from Dr. Wortis before at your Board meetings, so it is odd that you would allow her to speak and not me.
I would also like to inform you that neither Dr. Wortis nor Dr. Shiell are experts on the biological effects of this radiation and I sincerely hope that their contribution will relate to their own area of expertise and not on the biological or health effects.
I will share this list with others. It would be useful if you informed the Peterborough Examiner and others who are interested in attending regarding this list of presenters.
Magda Havas
p.s. It is easy to prevent a debate if everyone invited to speak has the same opinion. However, that does not ensure that the opinions expressed are correct or representative. Attempts at silencing those with opposing views seldom works in the end. It simply identifies those among us who fear challenge and shun the truth.
On Jun 10, 2011, at 9:25 AM, Diane Lloyd wrote:
Dr. Havas, here is the list of presenters that you asked for.
Dr. Rosana Pellizzari, Medical Officer of Health, Peterborough County-City Health Unit
Dr. Rachel Wortis, Associate Professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy at Trent University
Dr. Ralph Shiell, Associate Professor , Department of Physics and Astronomy at Trent University
Ron Plaizier, Chief Information Officer, Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board
James Rielly, Principal, Crestwood Secondary School, Peterborough
John Goheen, Principal, Percy Centennial Public School, Warkworth
Diane Chairperson - Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board
'Cell Phone use should be banned in children under 12 years of age'
Interview with Prof. D. Belpomme - L?EXPRESS France ? 1 June 2011
The World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes that the use of cell phones is 'possibly carcinogenic'. A precaution that is insufficient for Dominique Belpomme, President of the Association for Research and Treatment Against Cancer (ARTAC). Cancer specialists at WHO consider that cell phones should be included in the list of products designated as 'possibly carcinognenic'. What do you think of this classification?
It is a decision which goes in the right direction, but not far enough. For now, the risk is 'possible' according to WHO. The electromagnetic waves emitted by cell phones are classified in the 2b category when they merit a 2a classification (probably carcinogenic), after this, very rapidly, a 1 (carcinognenic), equivalent to a 'true' risk.
In addition, specialists from WHO did not talk to patients: they compiled the results of previous studies. But now, we are realizing that cancer is only the tip of the iceberg concerning risks related to use of cell phones.
Exposure to mobile devices and their waves is clearly responsible for other diseases, including Alzheimers ? as ARTAC affirms from diverse studies. For 18 months, our association has been working to demonstrate the relationship between cause and effect of cell phone waves and Alzheimers. Not recognizing this shows lack of respect for patients who are suffering and looking for answers.
In order to limit risks, WHO has issued recommendations (use of headsets, sending SMS ?). What do you think about these ?
Headsets are not inoffensive: they can in fact play the role of an antenna and thus serve as a receptor for electromagnetic fields. The WHO recommendation is like a cigarette filter: it holds back a bit of smoke but does not prevent cancer.
What do you recommend ?
We must apply the principle of precaution because we are facing an irreversible risk. Glioma-type cancers (brain cancer) are very dangerous and difficult to treat.
Another recommendation: strictly regulate cell phones. Their use should be banned in children under 12 years of age, who are most exposed to the risk of developing cancers, as well as for pregnant women.
Concerning other categories of users, one should limit use of cell phones to 20 minutes per day, with individual calls lasting 6 minutes maximum. This advice is moreover written in the instruction notices of certain operators. The best recommendation remains use of wired (fixed) phones.
The warning by WHO goes even further than preceding studies published about this issue ?
That s true. For the first time, a group of French experts is opposing the decisions and announcements of government health safety agencies. AFSSET (Agence national de sécurité sanitaire), for example, has always refused to recognize the consequences of electromagnetic fields on the function of the human body. This could change, thanks to this advance by WHO.
(Article translated into English by Meris Michaels)
Original article in French: Téléphones portables et cancer: 'Ils doivent être interdits aux ...
Informant: Martin Weatherall
More about the theme:
Starmail - 11. Jun, 05:36