
Mobile Phone Use and the Risk for Malignant Brain Tumors

Mobile Phone Use and Brain Cancer: Is the Association Biased?



Neuroepidemiology. 2010 Jun 15;35(2):109-114. [Epub ahead of print]

Mobile Phone Use and the Risk for Malignant Brain Tumors: A Case-Control Study on Deceased Cases and Controls.

Hardell L, Carlberg M, Hansson Mild K.

Department of Oncology, University Hospital, Orebro, Sweden.


We investigated the use of mobile or cordless phones and the risk for malignant brain tumors in a group of deceased cases. Most previous studies have either left out deceased cases of brain tumors or matched them to living controls and therefore a study matching deceased cases to deceased controls is warranted. Recall error is one issue since it has been claimed that increased risks reported in some studies could be due to cases blaming mobile phones as a cause of the disease. This should be of less importance for deceased cases and if cancer controls are used. In this study brain tumor cases aged 20-80 years diagnosed during 1997-2003 that had died before inclusion in our previous studies on the same topic were included. Two control groups were used: one with controls that had died from another type of cancer than brain tumor and one with controls that had died from other diseases. Exposure was assessed by a questionnaire sent to the next-of-kin for both cases and controls. Replies were obtained for 346 (75%) cases, 343 (74%) cancer controls and 276 (60%) controls with other diseases. Use of mobile phones gave an increased risk, highest in the >10 years' latency group yielding odds ratio (OR) = 2.4, and 95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.4-4.1. The risk increased with cumulative number of lifetime hours for use, and was highest in the >2,000 h group (OR = 3.4, 95% CI = 1.6-7.1). No clear association was found for use of cordless phones, although OR = 1.7, 95% CI = 0.8-3.4 was found in the group with >2,000 h of cumulative use. This investigation confirmed our previous results of an association between mobile phone use and malignant brain tumors.

Copyright © 2010 S. Karger AG, Basel.

PMID: 20551697 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]


Mobile Phone Use and Brain Cancer: Is the Association Biased?

Michael Kundi Institute of Environmental Health, Center for Public Health, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria

For the time being, evidence collected in epidemiological studies points rather to an underestimation of risk from mobile phone use and less bias in the Hardell studies as compared to those of the Interphone group that are affected by selection and possibly also by misclassification bias.


From Mast Sanity/Mast Network


Mast-Victims interviewed about INTERPHONE

Danish writer and researcher Thomas Grønborg has done a video interview with Mast-Victims staff on the problems with INTERPHONE.

It's a short video, only five minutes, called "INTERPHONE: A reliable study on cell phone risks?". Some of the design flaws of the World Health Organisation's INTERPHONE study are discussed and how those minimized the chances of finding brain cancer risk from mobile-phone radiation.

Feel free to pass this on.



From: Sylvie


Swedish Experts dismiss study on "mobile master's harmlessness" for small children: "It is not science. It is propaganda "

Susanne Larsson, The Epoch Times Sweden

29/06/2010 08:41

A child pretends to talk to his grandmother in a mobile phone in London 11 January 2005. Parents in Britain were asked then to restrict children's use of mobile phones after Sir William Stewart's study showed that the time might be health risks. (Photo: Adrian Dennis / AFP)

According to a new study should not pose any increased risk for small children to live near a mobilmast. The study's credibility is questioned by the expert Mona Nilsson, who dismiss it as pure propaganda to defend economic interests.

The study has just reached the public by Sveriges Television (Report) and TT, according to journalist and environmental economist Mona Nilsson partially funded by the mobile industry and scientists have not really checked how much radiation from mobile phone masts or mobile base stations that the children actually suffered, she says.

Mona Nilsson for many years monitored the issue of risks associated with wireless communications and some time ago, her new book "mobile radio health risks - facts about our greatest environmental and health scandal". The book is a successor to the book "Game of 3G - facts and disinformation in the wireless community."

According to Mona Nilsson study is an example of industry-driven research:

"The data estimates of children's exposure during fetal life was based on, which in turn formed the basis for the mobile industry's new joyful, came entirely from the right mobile industry. This is not science. It is propaganda to defend the huge economic interests. The aim is to lull the public and policymakers into a false security about the risks of forced exposure in people's own homes as mobile phone technology inevitably entails," she writes in a press release.

After many years has followed the debate around mobile telephony Mona Nilsson has raised the question the uncritical media coverage in Sweden.

"This is the third time in only a few months as the general public in Sweden were deceived by the uncritical media who can not see through the manipulation of science. In February, claimed Radiation Safety Authority (SSM) that it was "highly unlikely" that the transmitters such as mobile telephony, wireless networking or broadcasting carries an increased cancer risk.

No journalist reviewed the foundations of the baseless claim, which, incidentally, is unlikely, like BP's assertion in February that it would be "unlikely" that an oil leak could occur in the Gulf of Mexico. Repeated studies have shown that contrary mobile radiation is carcinogenic," said Mona Nilsson.

Over the years, Mona studied all reports of the electromagnetic radiation health effects on humans, animals and nature, and the result is clearly disappointing and, believe Mona Nilsson who is disappointed that the authorities and industry tone down and cover up the risks.

- I also confirmed the cancer risks of which it has long been observed in the real world. Far too many reports of unusual occurrences of cancer near the mobile towers are already documented. Several have been removed since many children had abnormal cancer in the neighborhood. Now you want to use this study who did not say anything about cancer risks, to suggest that abnormal accumulations of cancer around mobile phone masts are not due to radiation. It is very cynical, "says Mona Nilsson for The Epoch Times.

According to the French newspaper Le Progrès, Lyon has decided to remove a mobilmast and off three other schools during school hours in Victor Hugo, after the children affected by cancer. Mobile must be set very close to their classrooms and it has brought strong protests from parents of school children. It also requires that the threshold for permissible radiation is reduced and that independent measurements of radiation levels is carried out continuously. Cellular Antennas have also been removed from other schools' proximity to France.

In the Spanish city of Valladolid is the school Garcia Quintana, which have been featured in the Lancet. On a roof 42 feet from the school was a forest of 60 antennas. A number of children that have been affected by cancer within one year after the antennas were set up - before then, the school's 32-year history has never been any cases of childhood cancer. School children's parents kept their children home as long as the antennas are not switched off. A judge ordered that the antennas must be shut down.

As an example of incorrect media reporting takes Mona Nilsson up to the international Interphone Study, which had allegedly come to the conclusion that cell phones would not increase the risk of brain tumors, although the study actually showed that the current normal user runs between 40 and 100 percent increased risk of fatal brain tumor.

The study results confirmed the Swedish Research Hardellgruppens from Örebro showed increased brain tumor risk, particularly for young people where the risk was increased by up to 700 percent, not the media should have reported.

One month after the Interphone study was the Australian Radiation Protection Agency urged children to limit mobile phone use, says Mona Nilsson.

She says that authorities worldwide recognize that children are more sensitive to radiation, but not the Swedish Radiation Protection authorities. In many countries, calls on children to reduce the use of mobile phone. In Sweden, the media reported that the Interphone study showed no risk, but most international media have written that the Interphone show that cell phone increases the risk of brain tumors.

Mona Nilsson believes that this is completely unacceptable, the public must be critical and objective reporting of the issue:

"Journalists must understand that research is a minefield and begin to become aware of the ongoing corruption of science whose purpose is to protect economic interests."

From: Sylvie
Sent: Sunday, July 04, 2010 11:35 AM
Subject: Tunisia The court has recognized the danger of masts


The court has recognized the danger of masts

Published Saturday, July 3, 2010 at 10:14

Antenna relay Newspaper - The Court of Appeal of Tunis ordered the dismantling of a base station installed on the roof of a villa in a residential neighborhood in the capital on behalf of uncertainties about its impact on health of residents. Seized in an emergency procedure by the trustee of the local residents, the judge ruled that the risk was significant for the health of residents on the basis of a report of an expert appointed for this purpose. The latter noted that electromagnetic waves generated by antennas can have adverse health effects even if they are installed at a distance of 100 meters.

Referring to Article 99 of the Code of Obligations and Contracts, Court of Appeal held that "even if the current science can not determine with certainty the exact impact of electromagnetic orders, there is a risk impact on the health of residents.

This decision has confirmed the sentence imposed earlier by the Court of Appeal Sfax against one of the mobile operators, whereas the presence of an antenna relay near habitation is a disorder Neighbourhood serviceable disassembly of the antenna.

Informant: Iris Atzmon


Bürgerwelle News



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