Moosburg. Die drohende Inbetriebnahme des Telekom-Funkmasten in der Nähe eines Moosburger Kindergartens sorgt weiter für Aufregung: Von Seiten der Eltern...
Bernstein Liebhard LLP is currently investigating cell phone radiation lawsuits on behalf of individuals who developed brain cancer, allegedly due to long-term cell phone use...
Flynn, said many of the world s leading scientists now believe the energy created by electro-magnetic radiation (EMR) now poses the single-largest threat to human health in the 21st Century.
Kilpatrick is now convinced they are causing numerous ailments and complex illnesses that are now showing up in patients that she never had to deal with in the past. ''We are seeing more and more acute diseases, more chronic fatigue, more fibromyalgia?these things are not going away and they are getting worse.?
Two Naperville Mothers were arrested today in conjunction with the forced installation of wireless smart meters
NSMA President, Kim Bendis and Board Member, Jen Stahl were arrested today during a forced installation of wireless smart meters in Jen s home.
Details are still unknown but Kim was witnessing the event from Jen s property and was video taping. Three officers shoved her against a tree, pried her camera from her hands, and cuffed her. Both Jen and Kim were taken into police custody sometime in the 2:00 hour CST.
Stahl, who was released from custody about 4:30 p.m., said when she refused the smart meter, installers accompanied by police cut the bicycle lock she had placed on her fence and entered her backyard. She then stood in front of her electric meter and refused to move.
''It was forced on my house today,'' she said. ''It was really a violation. I violated something, but I have been violated too so I guess we are now in a society of violating one another.''
BC Hydro will remove barricades preventing Smart Meter installation
Opposition to the Smart Meters include Jim Smith, the president of coalition. He says he will do whatever it takes to keep the new meters off his home, including physically standing in front of workers. He has concerns of the...
January 24, 2013 (NAPERVILLE, Ill.) (WLS). They were arrested for interfering with the installation of so called Smart Meters at their homes. Thursday evening, one of the two Naperville women arrested is speaking out about their opposition to...
However, the arrest of NSMA President Kim Bendis and board member Jennifer Stahl as utility workers cut a chain locking a fence around Stahl s house so a wireless smart meter could be forcibly installed was just about as dumb a move as I have seen our municipality make in a very long time.
Utdraget kring elöverkänslighet
Publicerad: 2012-12-20
Three teachers at Tunaskolan in Luleå have become ill and developed various forms of hypersensitivity after wireless network installed and all students received a computer. Teachers Association believes that the employer has ignored concerns about electromagnetic radiation.
JAKARTA, Jan. 18 (UPI). Indonesia s state telecommunications company says it will install 100,000 WiFi hot spots at select schools across the country this year.
Cell Phone Use and Salivary...