Erstmals belegt eine Studie, dass viele Schweizer Teenies ihre Handys nicht nur toll finden, sondern regelrecht davon abhängig sind: 40'000 Jugendliche zeigen starke Suchtsymptome, mit weitreichenden Folgen. Ohne ist für viele nicht mehr möglich:...
Gemäss einer Studie der ZHAW und der ETH Zürich sind in der Schweiz 37'000 Jugendliche zwischen 12 und 19 Jahren Handy-süchtig. Die ''Sonntagszeitung'' hat in ihrer gestrigen Ausgabe die Ergebnisse einer Studie der Zürcher Hochschule für...
Handy-Sucht: Neue Studie: Mobiltelefone sind für viele Jugendliche unverzichtbar
Berliner Morgenpost
Generation Tote Hose? Eine Umfrage ergab, dass ein Großteil der deutschen Jugendlichen eher auf Sex verzichten würde, als auf das Mobiltelefon. Die Technik der Kommentarfunktion ''DISQUS'' wird von einem externen Unternehmen, der Big Head Labs, Inc.,...
Bristol professor s advice: 'Limit children s use of mobiles'
A BRISTOL professor has advised that children should limit their use of mobile phones to minimise the risk of brain cancer. Denis Henshaw, emeritus presenter at Bristol University...
The AGNIR (Advisory Group on Non-Ionising Radiation) has produced a report on behalf of the UK Health Protection Agency (HPA). The document is entitled ' Health Effects from Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields ', April 2012.
The misleading nature of the report can be illustrated by the example of male fertility. A full description can be found on
Of the studies listed in the present report, 18 found decreased measures of male fertility or damage to sperm (78%) and 5 found no effect. If the omitted studies are included in the data then 32 found damaging effects (80%) and 8 didn t (20%). Astonishingly, the conclusion was that there remains no convincing evidence that radiofrequency fields below current guidelines have any effect on male fertility. The word 'convincing' is a very subjective one and is mentioned a lot throughout the report. The authors were not convinced by the 18 papers finding measures of decreased male fertility, but were more convinced by the 5 which had found no effect. It isn t just about numbers, considering the quality of the studies is also important. But it is hard to understand how an honest assessment of the scientific literature could possibly conclude that there remains no (convincing) evidence that radiofrequency radiation can decrease male fertility. Inc. Internet Provider CEO: ''I Hate Wireless.''
* Inc, CEO Dane Jasper writes, on his blog:
''Wireless is magic. You point two antennas at each other over a span of miles, and broadband comes out the other end. Most of the time.
I hate wireless. Today, we sold our wireless network.''
Several years ago, Sonic had hoped to install a free public wi-fi network in Sebastopol. But after months of campaigning against Sonic?s wi-fi, the Sebastopol city council decided to terminate their contract based on health and safety risks of wireless. Sonic now states it is retiring all of their public wi-fi projects!
CEO Jasper contends the wireless is difficult and their focus is changing to wireline services, which include fiber optics!
Cell towers raise concerns in several West Island communities
''It s becoming much more public, the harm that cell phones can cause,'' Shea said. ''They are saying they can cause brain cancer, they can cause ovarian cancer, so why, if a tiny cell phone can cause that kind of cancer, what can a huge tower that s...
The Electromagnetic Radiation Research Foundation of SA cites research that advises children to limit their use of cellphones for fear of the harmful effects of radiation. The contentious issue of cellphone technology and the effect on human health has...
Der Gemeinderat hat das Baugesuch für eine Mobilfunkantenne abgelehnt. Der Widerstand in der Bevölkerung war zu gross. Der Mobilfunkbetreiber Sunrise hat...
Städtische Grundstücke will man unter diesen Voraussetzungen grundsätzlich für Handymasten zur Verfügung stellen. Die Gegner der neuen Regelung (Grüne und...
Cell Phone Use and Salivary...