
'Bürgerinitiative mobilfunkfreie Wohngebiete': 'ausufernde Techniken'

Osthessen News

... in Zusammenhang mit der Wohnnähe zu einem Mobilfunkmast zu sehen sei, jetzt ihre Bestätigung durch die Universität in Belo Horizonte/ Brasilien erhalte...


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Stopping Wireless Invasion at the Door




It s time to separate 'smart' meter fact from 'smart' meter fiction:

Myth: The utilities claim that smart meters are a fraction of the radiation levels of cell phones.
Fact: 'Smart' Meter radiation is significantly stronger than from cell phones- see http://stopsmartmeters.org/2011/09/04/comparing-cell-phone-and-smart-meter-radiation/

Myth: The CPUC defers to the FCC on maximum allowable wireless pulses. The FCC claims that no 'non-thermal biological effects exist.

Fact: The National Institutes of Health (NIH) found chemical changes in the brain from cell phone exposure, a ?smoking gun? finding that demonstrates a clear non-thermal effect. See http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/02/22/cellphone-use-tied-to-changes-in-brain-activity/

Myth: The utilities have been citing the World Health Organization (WHO) to justify the safety of their radiation emitting 'smart' meters.

Fact: On May 31st, 2011 the WHO classified smart meter radiation as a Class 2B carcinogen. See http://www.iarc.fr/en/media-centre/pr/2011/pdfs/pr208_E.pdf (pdf). The utilities no longer refer to the WHO at all.

Myth: CPUC President Michael Peevey has been insulting electro-sensitive individuals, inferring that they are 'just making it up' or are 'psychosomatic'.

Fact: On Sept. 5th, the International Journal of Neuroscience reported that 'EMF hypersensitivity can occur as a bona fide environmentally inducible neurological syndrome.' See http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21793784

Attend the all day 'opt out' workshop, which will be held in the main auditorium at the CPUC- 505 Van Ness Ave. in San Francisco- starting at 9:30am until 5pm. Let?s pack the chambers!

Join us during the lunch break at 12:30 to make some noise and protest this illegal opt out extortion plan.

Our demands:

- Charging a fee based on a medical condition is immoral not to mention illegal under CA Utility Code. Analog opt-outs must be at no cost.

- Communities retain the right to say NO to the ?smart? meter program.

- Pull the plug on the wireless mesh network. Period.

More information: http://stopsmartmeters.org

So called 'Environmental Organizations' are Providing Cover for the Mounting Ecological Catastrophe of the 'Smart Grid'.


Smart water meters


Stopping Wireless Invasion at the Door

By Getit Done
September 1, 2011

In a blitz blockade of the international wireless industry, a Florida community has prohibited wireless 'smart' meters and their infrastructure. Most but not all households received on Saturday, August 6 a postcard announcing the advent of a wireless, 'smart' meter system. The following Tuesday, the water utility replaced the black plastic covering their water meters but installed no wireless meters. Throughout that week, informational materials and stickers were distributed to households, while residents investigated the situation.

Over the next mid-August weekend, representatives of about 75 households in Isles of Bellalago in Kissimmee, FL signed a legal letter refusing wireless meters. Their reasoning included that the intended system would involve the installation of illegal surveillance devices and would violate their respective contracts. Residents also placed colorful stickers in their present, fully functional but noninvasive meters, stating, 'SMART METER FREE ZONE' and 'DO NOT INSTALL SMART METER HERE'.

The entity claiming authority over water usage, Toho Water Authority, received the neighbors? letter by hand-delivery and certified mail on August 17. Early the very next morning, two workmen targeted some of the signatory households, installing some meters and infrastructure..

Community members sprang into action. One large man strongly informed the workers that their actions were illegal and that they had to leave. The workers phoned their 'boss,' who told them to respond that there was a 'federal mandate' to install the meters. The large man informed the workers and their boss that the community had legal remedies. The workers left and never returned.

The initial signatories of the legal letter grew to over 100 households in one week. With many of the houses in the area unoccupied, some used only as vacation homes, this number represented all but a handful of the potential signatories. Three energy industry workers living in the community declined to sign, some agreeing that the letter s assertions were true, but saying they d lose their jobs if they became signatories.

Targeted community members then faxed a letter stating there exists no federal mandate for any wireless grid or meters. They demanded that the meter on their property and any associated infrastructure be removed within 24 hours; else they reserved the right to remove it themselves.

On Thursday, August 18, a legal letter with additional signatories was hand-delivered to the water authority. Since that date, more household representatives have signed the letter. Lawyers and others living in the community are geared up to ensure that the targeted households will be freed from all wireless meters and infrastructure. As of this date, well over 100 households are signatory to the letter, and >90% of the households in the community remain free of wireless invasion.

Smart Meter Petition

Go to see petition http://cstorg.wufoo.com/forms/q7x3s5/ To see the signatures http://cstorg.wufoo.com/reports/smart-meter-petition/ (if links don t work use cut and paste)

This is my petition comment: 1,160 Number I signed the petition Sept. 9, 2011 Today 8:09pm

Smart Meters emit pulses in a range similar to human brain, heart and neural bio-rates. Some people become very ill immediately while others are injured over long-term. Their are legal, medical and insurance injury, harms and risks being reported from communities with Smart meter installed. The wireless low-radio pulse devices cause irritation, sleeplessness, dizziness, confusion, heart tremor, brain, neural and heart pulse-function cellular interference injuring from over-exposure and no ability to rest from it, a percentage of the population. Medical and other remote and wireless radio devices can be affected.

Those injured by exposure cannot afford to prove in a court how that happens by persistent cross-exposure and cellular exhaustion, those who become injured can t get insurance in most cases. More importantly citizens cannot stop the emission-pulses from the side of their home and known and unknown multiplied cross-pulsing effects from many growing wireless emissions from other homes. Injured is the quiet enjoyment of the home which ought to be able to turn technology on or off as needed for restful place for cellular quiet, calm or healing, most especially at night.

I love technology, I also know I can choose when or how to escape (as much as is possible) to rest. There are lower-risk, more cost-effective options such as old system remain in place until more is known or injury covered by insurance or cost of removal by borne by power company or NEW METERING safer options, e.g. FIBRE OPTICS, to name two options. NO THANKS to Smart meters.

This is my concern as a mother and my opinion about this as a concerned citizen. It s imperative this fast advancing technological day-and-age to make sure electro-pollution doesn t short circuit the human cells, brain and nerves! Especially in privacy of home which is for rest or healing. The ability to TURN OFF 'technology' is not allowed by s. meters and that in my view among other things, is legally, medical and health dangerous.

Marilyn Idle LLB JD Mum,

Concerned Citizen Wellness Advocate and Author
Christina Lake, BC

GE alone to benefitfrom smart meters

Kennebec Journal

I am opposed to installation of smart meters in homes and businesses by Central Maine Power Co. I am amazed at the lack of common sense behind the program. The meters put out electromagnetic energy all the time that can cause cancer and other health...


Illinois governor dumps smart grid bill


Informant: Martin Weatherall


Smart Meter Opt Out Proposal for CA



GE alone to benefitfrom smart meters

Kennebec Journal

The meters put out electromagnetic energy all the time that can cause cancer and other health problems to many people who are exposed to them. This problem should have been more carefully considered and tested by government officials before allowing...



Not so smart

Vernon Morning Star

... and was responsible for administering the program in electromagnetic fields. ... increases damage to the nervous system, causes electrosensitivity,...



Petition Against Radiation Emitting Utility Meters

Would you please sign this petition and pass it along to others.




From EMR-Updates


Mobile industry: The dark side

Pakistan Observer

Mobile phones use electromagnetic radiations in the microwave range. The WHO/International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has classified radio frequency electromagnetic fields as possibly carcinogenic to humans (Group 2B) based on an increased...



Massive smart meter scam uncovered in Australia



'Smart' Meter Opponents: Opt Out Fees Extortionate, Illegal, and Immoral

Bay Area Indymedia

... a free and fair 'opt out' plan that is not discriminatory against people suffering from electrosensitivity, and respects legal rights of local...


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Telstra tower toppled


... environmental and heritage values, and the potential health risks from the long-term exposure to increased electromagnetic radiation...


One year later, Rogers to hold consultation

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... the meeting aims to provide general information, discuss health concerns, ... harmful effects of radio-frequency electromagnetic radiation emitted by...


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Ozag cites serious health concerns over electromagnetic radiation near families and children. The applicant, Capital Telecom, also filed their appeal over...


Ear-bashing: feeling the heat in a city that forever beeps

Tim Elliott

September 3, 2011


The CAVI Society

Protecting children from radiation.


Safe Schools Information Technology Alliance


Informant: Martin Weatherall


Dual Appeals Over Cell Tower Decision


Ozag cites serious health concerns over electromagnetic radiation near families and children. The applicant, Capital Telecom, also filed their appeal over the reduced height from 80 ft. to 60 ft. allowed by the Commission. It said the shorter structure...


More about the theme:


Bürgerwelle News



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