A CAMPAIGN to stop a phone mast being built on a Melton estate has entered its third calendar year - but determined protesters are now having to make do ...
Smart Meters Get Pushback Because of Electromagnetic Field Concerns
Now, concerns are rising over the health effects from electromagnetic waves produced by smart meters, a key cleantech technology to increase building ...
Okay, it's not really a movie. It's just a compilation of some of the various different kinds of direct actions communities have taken to defend themselves against the wireless "Smart" Meters in California.
So much has happened already, there's enough footage for a feature length film. Grab a bucket of popcorn, click "Play All", and enjoy - then get off the couch and join in!
Communities across California are taking direct action against wireless "Smart" Meters. The meters are part of a mesh network, which will saturate our neighborhoods with toxic radiation emissions, unless we stop them. People are already being injured by this technology.
Find out more about the dangers, and how to join the resistance, at:
... and receiving in a mesh system from one home's meter to others, which adds to the ever-increasing load of electromagnetic smog where you live and work. ...
PG&E should give customers a choice on SmartMeters
Marin Independent-Journal
PG&E maintains that SmartMeters create less exposure to electromagnetic frequencies than regular use of a cellphone or a microwave oven. It could be right. ...
Es geht um die BOS-Digitalfunk-Sendeanlage auf dem Gelände der Polizeiinspektion Erding Mit einer Beschwerde gegen den riesigen Sendemasten hat sich Jobst nun ...
Virenverseuchte Handys rufen teure Auslandsnummern an und spionieren heimlich den Aufenthaltsort des Eigentümers aus. "Die Programmierer von Viren probieren ...
Die neue Mobilfunkantenne auf dem Umfahrungstunnel ist vorläufig gebodigt. Das hat das Bundesgericht entschieden. Die Swisscom AG darf die bestehenden ...
Cell Phone Use and Salivary...