For many years now, skeptics have argued that the epidemiological studies pointing to a tumor risk from cell phones must be wrong, because no one has seen an increase in cell-phone related tumors in the general population. ... A recent re-analysis of the Hardell data by the Hardell team, published December 17, 2010 in the International Journal of Epidemiology, finally now explains the difference in brain tumor risk found in the two studies. ...
Kritik übt der ehemalige Verwaltungsrichter an den, seiner Kenntnis nach, veralteten Grenzwerten für den Mobilfunk, die in anderen europäischen Ländern...
Gemeinderat Hansjörg Friedrich stellte sich auf Seiten der Bürger und bat den Bürgermeister ebenfalls um eine Nachfrage bei der Telekom und der Vodafone sowie eine öffentliche Bekanntgabe der Veränderungen am Funkmast. ...
Mr. William Zehr
President, Festival Hydro
P.O. Box 397
Stratford, Ontario
N5A 6T5
21 December 2010
Dear Mr. Zehr,
Thank you for your letter dated December 17, 2010.
We do not like your proposal to install a smart meter for our home, where it may cause further radiation in our neighbourhood and also cost us over four hundred dollars.
Yesterday, we entered into a five year ?fixed price contract? with Canada Energy Wholesalers Ltd. ( )
Because we will not be using "time of day pricing" for the next five years, it would be pointless to install a smart meter on or near our home.
We will fully co-operate with future meter readings and hope this satisfies both Festival Hydro and the Ontario Government.
San Clemente council to discuss 'smart meter' safety
The City Council on Tuesday will consider issues raised by people claiming electromagnetic hypersensitivity and others who want to be able to opt out. ...
Cell Phone Use and Salivary...