
Cellphone towers can be dangerous

News On Sunday

... schools, hospitals and markets are found to be highly unsafe because of too many cellphone towers emitting electromagnetic radiation (EMR) way beyond ...




Fall of a sparrow

Express Buzz

Decreasing open grasslands, lack of native plant hedges to gardens, ... the combustion of which produces toxic compounds that kill small insects, ...





Ecologists and Scientists point their fingers at * Electromagnetic Radiation from Cell Phone Towers * Urbanization * Destruction of Habitat* Decreasing ...



Mobilfunkbetreiber wirbt mit Bundespräsident aD Horst Köhler


Kaum hat Horst Köhler seinen Rücktritt vom Amt des Bundespräsidenten erklärt, nutzt ein Mobilfunkanbieter Horst Köhler für die eigenen Zwecke. ...



Do Cell Phones Emit Harmful EMF Waves?

The Renegade Health Show Episode #324


See also how many reactions they got.

Informant: Iris Atzmon


The biggest screw-up the World Health Organization is involved

The report below seems to indicate the second biggest screw-up that the World Health Organization is presently involved. In this case they have only wasted a huge amount of money that could have been put to much better use. In their biggest mistake - the health effects of electro magnetic radiation, the stakes are much higher. Not only is their lack of concern and failing to warn the public about the dangers likely to cause massive serious illness and early death, but the eventual health costs are likely to significantly eclipse the 7 billion dollars wasted on swine flu vaccine.

Martin Weatherall

Report condemns swine flu experts' ties to big pharma

Trio of scientists who urged stockpiling had previously been paid, says Council of Europe report bemoaning tentacles of drug company influence.

* Randeep Ramesh, social affairs editor
* The Guardian, Friday 4 June 2010


Prescription drug use by US children on the rise

* 1-in-4 children took drugs for chronic conditions in '09


Note - I find the above report very disturbing. As the use of wireless devices goes up, so does the health harm to children. A serious warning sign must be taken from this statement - Use of drugs for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), often cited in reports on the over-medication of children, is also on the rise. But surprisingly, the increase was more pronounced among young adults.

Is this the start of long term effects of from wireless and cell phones that is just being noticed among young adults. Will their brains be damaged forever by electronic games, cell phones and wireless devices?

Martin Weatherall


I had the pleasure of meeting with Senator Leno in his office in Sacramento a couple of months ago. He promised he would do something about this. Please read this closely. He is a good man and we need to support his courageous efforts!! We are breaking down that dam of denial daily! Thank you.

Ellie Marks

From: Senator.Leno@outreach.senate.ca.gov

Date: June 2, 2010 4:37:29 PM PDT

Subject: Time to Start Talking About Cell Phone Radiation

Reply-To: Senator.Leno@senate.ca.gov

Everywhere you look, from schoolyards to the halls of government, people are glued to their cell phones. An estimated 4.6 billion people worldwide use cell phones?300 million of them in the U.S. The average American spends more than 14 hours a month on a cell phone, far more than the residents of any other nation. With the emergence of smart phones and apps for everything from making dinner reservations to locating public restrooms, many people can't imagine modern life without them.

Neither can I. But new technology brings new risks. Using a cell phone while driving is distracting and dangerous, which has led states across the country, including California, to pass hands-free laws. Now, although the science is far from settled, concerns have been raised about the possible health risks of cell phone radiation.

Cell phones emit low levels of radiation. This radio-frequency radiation, measured by specific absorption rate (SAR), is how the phone communicates with the wireless network - but the radiation enters your head or body at the same time it travels toward the cell phone tower. Emitted radiation levels vary not only by make and model but also by the distance to the nearest cell tower, type of network and other conditions.

While studies cited by industry groups and the Federal Communications Commission show no correlation between cell phone use and negative health impacts, the scientific literature on the potential harm caused by cell phone radiation is far from unanimous. Recent peer-reviewed, independent studies from around the world have found that long-term, heavy cell phone use increases the risk of brain, salivary and acoustic nerve tumors as well as decreased sperm count. Of particular concern is the use of cell phones by children. The FCC's recommended safe levels haven't been updated since 1996, when cell phones were an expensive luxury for adults. Now cell phones are marketed to children whose heads are smaller and skulls are thinner, making them more susceptible to radiation, even at low levels. The European Parliament and health agencies in six nations (Switzerland, Germany, Israel, France, the UK and Finland) have recommended reducing children's exposures to cell phone radiation.

The FCC has posted guidelines for reducing potential risks associated with wireless devices. The precautions include using an earpiece or headset, keeping wireless devices away from the body when they are turned on, using the cell phone speaker, texting rather than talking and buying a wireless device with a lower SAR. While manufacturers must report SAR values to the FCC, this information is not currently given directly to consumers. Radiation levels are listed on the FCC website, but finding that information requires a difficult and tedious search. The Environmental Working Group, the sponsor of Senate Bill 1212, has published a user-friendly radiation guide ( http://www.ewg.org/cellphone-radiation ) that shows the radiation levels of today's best-selling smart phones are pushing the limits recommended by the FCC.

It is time to start a national dialogue regarding cell phone radiation. We don't want to look back and ask why we ignored the warning signs. That's why I have introduced SB 1212, a consumer right to know measure, which requires cell phone manufacturers and service providers in California to disclose cell phone radiation levels so consumers can make better and informed choices. In San Francisco, Mayor Gavin Newsom has introduced similar local legislation. As we wait for the science to become more conclusive on the potential risks of cell phone radiation, it is common sense that we make this information easily accessible to consumers. As the saying goes, better safe than sorry.

Senator Mark Leno represents the Third Senate District of California, which includes portions of San Francisco and Sonoma Counties and all of Marin County. He can be reached via the web at http://www.sen.ca.gov/Leno, by phone in the San Francisco District Office at 415?557?1300 or San Rafael District Office at 415?479?6612, or by e-mail, Senator.Leno@senate.ca.gov.


Why levels of sperm in men are falling


A 'special needs' label on fifth of all children - double that of 20 years ago


From Mast Sanity/Mast Network


More than 25% of Kids and Teens in the U.S. Take Prescriptions on a Regular Basis

Children and teens are also taking a wide variety of other medications once considered only to be for adults, from statins to diabetes pills and sleep drugs, according to figures provided to The Wall Street Journal by IMS Health.


From Information Clearing House

More about the theme:


Bürgerwelle News



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