Sein Einfluss erstreckte sich nicht nur in den französisch-sprachigen Raum, sondern auch in den englisch-sprachigen Teil der Welt, in den er zahlreiche Kontakte über E-mails unterhielt. Er beendete seine Mails stets mit dem Notruf der Funker: Mayday, Mayday. Wie recht er hat! Ich habe ihn letztes Jahr kennen gelernt und war beeindruckt, mit welcher Energie er sich seinem Thema widmete und welches Wissen er zusammen getragen hatte. Seine Kenntnis der Literatur zu Mobilfunk war wirklich unschlagbar. Ihm war völlig klar, was ihm selber passieren konnte, aber er blieb unbeugsam und kompromisslos in seinem Kampf. Das machte ihn sicherlich einsam, wie viele elektrosensible Kämpfer.
Erschüttert über Philippes Schicksal und voller Bedauern über den Verlust, den dies für die mobilfunkkritische Bewegung bedeutet,
grüße ich alle herzlich
Dr. Christine Aschermann
Obituary Philippe Hug
As I met him last year, I was impressed by his energy and his ideas. His knowledge of the literature on mobile telephony was unrivalled. He had many contacts, not only in Switzerland, but to people all over the English speaking world, too. He used to end his letters with: Mayday, Mayday, the emergency signal of the radio operators. He is right!
He was fully aware of what might happen to him soon, a seriously sick electrosensitive person, but he kept fighting uncompromisingly which might have contributed to his rather lonesome life, besides the EHS condition.
Shocked by Philippes destiny I am regretting the bereavement for the EMF critical asociations too.
PLANS to install a mobile phone mast 100-Yyards away from a primary school have been put on hold to allow planning chiefs to carry out a site visit. ...
Auch der Behördenfunk habe in dieser Hinsicht keinen Freibrief. Ein weiteres Argument sei der Wertverlust der Grundstücke: ?Ein solcher Sendemast im ...
Mayor Gavin Newsom's proposed legislation requiring cell phone retailers in San Francisco to disclose Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) values for radiation emitted by the cell phones they sell passed out of the City Operations & Neighborhood Services Committee after a hearing today. Supervisors Carmen Chu and John Avalos voted to send it to the full Board with a recommendation in favor of its passage, while Supervisor Sean Elsbernd voted no.
There was significant opposition to the legislation from the San Francisco small business community and the San Francisco Small Business Commission voted against taking legislative action in April. The wireless industry's most powerful lobbying organization, CTIA, was also on hand to speak against the legislation.
However, Supervisor Chu, who was the swing vote on this particular Committee, ultimately voted in favor after her concerns about the costs involved and the burdens on small businesses were addressed to her satisfaction.
To read the legislation in its current form, which calls for a gradual roll-out commencing later this year, go to the following link:
Cell Phone Use and Salivary...