"The BRAG" Antenna Ranking of Schools' GradesSchool Children's Exposure to Cell Antennas in U.S. State Capitols & Washington, D.C. - Report recommends a setback of 1,500 feet for wireless infrastructure near schools
April 21, 2010, Washington, D.C. A new report, "The BRAG" Antenna Ranking of Schools' ("BRAG? Ranking"), will be unveiled next Wednesday by Professor Magda Havas, PhD of Trent University, Canada, along with Jim Turner, Esq., Chairman of Citizens for Health, Camilla Rees, Founder of ElectromagneticHealth.org, Janet Newton, President of the EMR Policy Institute, The Electro Sensitive Society, and Christine Hoch, Executive Director of Moms for Safe Wireless. The BRAG Antenna Ranking of Schools report will be introduced in a Media Teleconference on Wednesday, April 28th at 2:30 p.m. Eastern. RSVP to Emily@electromagnetichealth.org for dial-in instructions.
The BRAG Ranking is the result of a multi-year study of school children's potential exposure to cell phone antennas and base stations in U.S. state capitols prepared by Dr. Havas and students at Trent University, Canada. Exposure metrics for approximately 6,000 public and private schools were assessed. A composite grade was generated for each school based on 1) how close the nearest antenna was to the school, 2) how many antennas were located within 0.25 miles or approximately 400 meters (the distance within which scientific research documents mental, emotional and physical symptoms in adults), and 3) within 0.6 miles, or approximately 1 kilometer, from the school.
Grades, and rankings, for individual schools, as well as a comparative ranking of state capitols, and the full 173-page BRAG Antenna Ranking of Schools report, are available on an embargoed basis at http://files.me.com/magda.havas/jz62ck .
Theembargo will lift on Wednesday, April 28th at 10:00 a.m. Eastern. E-mail Emily@ElectromagneticHealth.org for a password to view the BRAG report.
Health Canada is bought and paid for by the industries they "monitor". If you want to follow the money, check out the petition my husband and I wrote and submitted to the auditor general of Canada. It can be found at: http://www.oag-bvg.gc.ca/internet/English/pet_255_e_31626.html . In response no one from Health Canada challenged our charges and, in fact, we were told that funding source does not affect results! I followed up with several ethics commissions in the government charging bias and collusion, and was told that so long as the people reported their associations with industry there was no conflict in interest, even though they were employed by Health Canada. So now you know who funds Health Canada. Unfortunately this most likely is true of all aspects and sections of the department -- I suggest you read Shiv Chopra's book, "Corrupt to the Core."
Looking into Deltout who did the study, not only is she affiliated with the Danish Cancer Society (which may be just as corrupt as the US and Canadian arm of that Society) but she works closely with Daniel Krewski, McBride, and that bunch of rascals. Perhaps this explains her results!
From: Andrew Michrowski
Informant: Iris Atzmon
New Report Recommends FCC Require Minimum 1,500 Feet Setbacks for Wireless Infrastructure near Schools
... Beirat Funk) zum Thema Mobilfunk und Gesundheit wird immer geringer. ... auf das Risiko für Hirntumore, Leukämie, Alzheimer und Brustkrebs" möglich sei, ...
Blank said he has studied the effects of electromagnetic fields (EMF) on the cellular level. Cell phones emit non-ionizing radiation and put out a power ...
... Union in April last year encouraged all 27 member states to adopt ?serious precautions? over the potential risks posed by electromagnetic fields. ...
Urgent - please submit written testimony so that the committee have a lot of letters from people suffering from the effects of EMR. I expect if letters were sent by this Thursday April 22 (tomorrow) they might still accept them.
The person to send the email letters to is Christine Holke David and her email address is: HolkeC@parl.gc.ca . They need to translate all testimony into French (or from French into English) hence the time factor.
Background Info: The House of Commons Standing Committee on Health (HESA) is having two days of meetings on the health effects of radio frequency radiation in Ottawa (April 27 and 29). They are accepting testimony from people who are sensitive, doctors, scientists, etc. Both sides are going to be represented . . . those who think this is a non-issue (Wireless industry, Health Canada, Industry Canada and their experts) and those who believe this is a serious health issue.
We have a chance to educate this committee and they might do something about it as they are an overseer of Health Canada.
Those who do decide to submit something could they also send me a copy in either language as we can have it translated by google.
Cell Phone Use and Salivary...