"very safe levels of electromagnetic radiation". Note the word "very". In the past we had only "safe". Now there is "very" for support.
----- Original Message -----
From: Dr Grahame Blackwell
Sent: Friday, April 09, 2010 12:02 AM
Subject: Re: WiFi at school/ NZ - "very safe levels of electromagnetic radiation".
That's wonderful !! One might even say magical !!
Dr Neil Cherry was himself a New Zealander, and made at least one invited presentation to the New Zealand parliament on the subject of health hazards of microwave-based communications. He expressed the clear view, backed by very substantial research, that the ONLY safe level of such radiation is ZERO.
Presumably, then, NZ schools are operating WiFi on emission levels of ZERO - the only level that can be regarded as "very safe"? That is indeed magical !!!
Note that Dr Cherry himself ultimately died from Motor Neurone Disease, which he himself was convinced was brought about by his substantial exposure to such radiation in the course of his research. I'm very impressed that the head of a primary school is better informed than one of the world's leading experts on this subject - as he must be if he is able to give such definitive assurances. Can we take it that Chris Morris is so sure of his facts that he will provide a written undertaking to all parents of kids at his school that he will take personal responsibility for appropriate compensation payments in the event of this radiation later being shown to have caused any health disorders? If not, his words are just worthless hot air.
School confident Wi-Fi system safe
? Wi-Fi Wireless networks use radio waves to transmit data. Wireless adapters inside computers translate data into radio signals, and transmit via an antenna. The radio signals are received by a router and decoded back into data.
----- Original Message -----
From: D Ward
Subject: Re: Help required please
just saw your note, will forward
----- Original Message -----
From: David and Julia Hunter
Sent: Sunday, March 07, 2010 9:47 PM
Subject: Help required please
Dear Sir/ Madam,
You may or may not be aware of what has happened at Rosebank school Balclutha.
You can get a brief outline on our website,
http://www.webshack.co.nz . A lot more has gone on in the background.
We are now under considerable attack from the school, they are goading us to get involved in a personal slanging match which we refuse to do.
We would dearly like to become a member of your society "The environmental protection for children trust."
You may or may not be aware of an article in the ODT this weekend.
http://www.odt.co.nz/your-town/balclutha/96423/school-confident-wi-fi-system-safe .
From the very beginning, we have only asked for people to err on the side of caution, and our concerns have been about the health and safety of the children.
I am a registered electrician, a registered Ipstar Satellite technician, and we in partnership with own rural Broadband company down here Balclutha "Rivernet".
Yours Faithfully
David and Julia Hunter.
1 Edinburgh
Place Balclutha 9230
Ireland Leixlip Garda mast
Informant: Iris Atzmon
Plan for cell tower near Gilbert elementary school riles parents
Cell tower fight moves to court
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(If only they would do as they say!)
Parma declaration
Letter to the Principal
From: mamarubin
To: brenda.griffin@sdhc.k12.fl.us
Subject: FW: Joe left stuff in desk
Date: Fri, 9 Apr 2010 17:16:44 -0500
Principal Griffin,
Thank you for asking the teachers to send me the Sunshine Standards and benchmarks. I especially appreciate and identify with the Grade 5 Big Ideas in Science curriculum and wonder who at SDHC has reviewed them lately:
"Big Idea 1": "Scientific inquiry is a multifaceted activity; the processes of science include the formulation of scientifically investigable questions, construction of investigations into those questions, the collection of the appropriate data, the evaluation of the meaning of those data, and the communication of this evaluation. Scientific argumentation is a necessary part of scientific inquiry and plays an important part in the generation and validation of scientific knowledge."
"Big Idea 2": "Scientific knowledge is based on empirical evidence...Scientific knowledge is durable and robust, but open to change...it strives for objectivity..."
"Big Idea 9": Matter [like humans] can undergo a variety of changes. Matter can be changed either physically or chemically."
"Big Idea 10": Energy is involved in all physical processes and is a unifying concept in many areas of science. Energy exists in many forms and has the ability to do work or cause change."
"Big Idea 11": "Waves involve a transfer of energy without a transfer of matter."
"Big Idea 13": "It takes energy to change the motion of objects [like cells or other waves, as in brain waves]. Some forces act through physical contact, while others act at a distance."
"Big Idea 15": "Earth is home to a great diversity of living things, but changes in the environment can affect their survival."
I wonder if the people in charge of technology at SDHC are even Smarter Than a Fifth Grader at this point? My guess is that they would leave the show empty-handed. Perhaps it's more of a theoretical approach than one in practice--which is more often than not the case as I have observed. At any rate, I assure you that Joseph and Natalie will be able to fully comprehend these concepts, critically think about them and apply them to the real world and their decision-making from our home schooling approach to Science.
Some of the things you said a couple days ago to justify your use of WiFi at Clark really disappointed me and deepened my convictions that I am doing the right thing by removing my children from your school. You spoke of the risks you take in traffic getting to school, sitting at traffic lights for 5 cycles, and sun exposure, etc. I told you there are ways to protect yourself and children from such things, but there is no way to protect them--or you, although the microwave levels in your office are low--from the microwave radiation to which you and your superiors choose to expose them. I think you really are missing the point. There are a lot of risks out there, undeniably. In my opinion, the school should not compound those risks, but seek to minimize them wherever and whenever possible. The school is supposed to be a sanctuary where the children are protected from harm and can learn and grow in the safest environment we as a society can provide them--it doesn't have to be a proving ground for "cutting edge" technology. These are young children. As Dr. Johansson said in a letter I forwarded to you and have reattached, children need "knowledge, support, confirmation, help, understanding, tenderness and love under the guidance of responsible and mature grown-ups in the form of teachers and parents."
You can provide that and so much more without WiFi. The WiFi is of no real benefit to them, I have not heard anyone speak of any benefit it conveys to the children over hard-wired computers. No one; not one thing. You, yourself, told me WiFi is for the teachers' laptops and use at meetings. And it doesn't even work. Mr. Duggan has an access point right outside his door, microwave levels indicative of harm in his class room, and he can not even maintain a WiFi internet connection. He uses a phone line. How much will you have to increase the power density to get that system working? And what will that increase mean to the health of the children and staff?
According to many scientists who are experts in this field, whose work and letters I have provided you, you are only harming the children with this radiation. This is not good or even benign. I don't know how you can believe you are doing the right thing for them as you told me two days ago.
Debbie Rubin
Dear Principal Griffin
I am disappointed to hear that your school uses Wi-Fi in areas where children are trying to learn. I strongly believe that this is an unsafe practice for the children and for the school staff who will be exposed to microwave radiation for long periods of time.
I challenge you to commence a learning initiative amongst all your pupils and staff to determine 'The health effects of microwave radiation".
I am sure that the combination of so many young minds with those of their teachers will come up with an accurate appraisal of whether Wi Fi technology is safe or not. I have been researching the adverse health effects of electro magnetic radiation for the last six years. If you find any reliable scientific evidence which demonstrates the full and complete safety of Wi Fi, please let me know, I may be able to relax in my concern for warning people about the dangers.
A simple 'Google search' of 'the health effects of microwave radiation' should reveal much information to your 'researchers'. In order to save them time and to point them in the right direction here are some Internet sites that will provide reliable information -
http://www.wifiinschools.org.uk/index.html http://www.microwavenews.com/ http://www.powerwatch.org.uk/
http://www.hese-project.org/hese-uk/en/heseuk/who.php http://www.bioinitiative.org/
http://www.es-uk.info/index.asp http://www.weepinitiative.org/ http://www.electricalpollution.com/
There are also many other fine Internet sites from which to gather information. I hope that the Wi Fi exposure will not harm them too much during this 'educational opportunity' and the results may protect them for many years to come.
Please remember that you have a duty to ensure the safety of your pupils. Just as you would not allow polluted water in the drinking water fountain, would not allow serious mould issues to go uncorrected, would not allow predators to roam the hallways, would not allow poisons to be sprayed around the school and would not allow exhaust fumes to circulate around the classrooms, you must determine if Wi Fi microwave radiation is hazardous and if it is, you have a duty to take action.
Yours sincerely
Martin Weatherall
Co Director WEEP
Informant: Martin Weatherall
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